Page 48 - OTF Spring Summer 2022 Programme Catalogue Final_Neat
P. 48


       The Fight Against Plastic                               The Flying Lion Kings

       As fossil fuels fall out of favour, petrochemical mega   Isolated  into  population  bottlenecks,  prides  of  lions
       corporations,  reliant  upon  their  extraction  and    across South Africa are at risk of inbreeding making
       refinement,  are  pivoting  towards  the  manufacture   them  more  susceptible  to  illness  and  disease,  but
       of plastics as their “plan B”. Feted NGO, ClientEarth,   pilots  across  Africa  are  flying  to  their  rescue.  They
       has  joined  forces  with  campaigners  to  oppose  the   are moving lions from one pride to another to make
       plans of a €3 billion plastics superplant in the Port of   sure  they  can  breed  successfully  whilst  maintaining
       Antwerp.                                                genetic  diversity,  and  in  so  securing  the  future  for
                                                               Africa’s Lion population! Richard and Riccardo Steyn
                                                               are father and son pilots who work for The Bateleurs,
                                                               a remarkable organisation that uses aviation skills to
                                                               support conservation in Africa.

       Genre:   WaterBear Impact Productions                   Genre:   WaterBear Impact Productions
       Format:   1 x 6’ / HD / 2021                            Format:   1 x 4’ / HD / 2020
       Credits:  WaterBear Network                             Credits:   WaterBear Network

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