Page 45 - OTF Spring Summer 2022 Programme Catalogue Final_Neat
P. 45


       Blood In The Bay                                        Blue Carbon On Wall Street

       Known for its rough seas and violent storms, the Bay    After  decades  of  being  exploited  and  destroyed
       of Biscay is also home to nearly a third of our planet’s   Mangroves  are  being  restored.  They  are  among
       species of whales and dolphins. But the bay is also     the  most  productive  ecosystems  on  earth,  and
       renowned for a massacre worse than the Japanese         serve  many  important  functions,  not  only  are  they
       and Danish slaughter combined. As many as 10,000        unparalleled for forests at storing carbon, which helps
       dolphins are washing up on French shores every year.    fight the climate crisis, they also sustain life for humans
       They are falling victim to commercial supertrawlers.    and an array of animals and plants that live in oceans
       Sea  Shepherd  volunteers  are  documenting  this       and  rivers.  Blue  Ventures  has  started  a  community-
       undeclared dolphin bycatch that is being pulled in      led mangrove management project to help protect
       by fishermen’s nets. This short brings the matter to the   coastal  ecosystems  and  livelihoods.  We  hear  from
       public attention, to try and induce change in the law   the  locals  on  the  ground  about  the  benefits  of  this
       and impose better fishing regulations and practices.    project and how Mangroves are saving lives.

       Genre:   WaterBear Impact Productions                   Genre:   WaterBear Impact Production
       Format:   1 x 5’ / HD / 2021                            Format:   1 x 6’ / HD / 2021
       Credits:  WaterBear Network                             Credits:   WaterBear Network

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