Page 12 - OTF_Catalogue_MIPTV24_FINAL
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            revolutions that changed history

            From the birth of an ancient empire to its bloody
            fall, resistance and rebellion have shaped the

            world. History has long glorified its great leaders
            and early rulers, however being an elite wasn’t
            all wonder and prosperity.

            Even the fiercest General and the most enduring Monarch      Duration
            would be confronted by opposition and upheaval. Some         6x60’
            learned the hard way that power is far from absolute, and    Credits
            allegiance, not always conditional.                          Go Button Media
                                                                         & otf Studios
            This series exposes the complex truth behind revolutions
            and revolts, from the epic, action-packed, bloody            YOP
            battlegrounds to the intimate exchanges between

            confidants that were powerful enough to turn tides. From     Definition                                                                            “Reshaping the
            Spartacus’ slave rebellion to Queen Boudicca’s vengeful      4K
            mutiny. What conditions moved the French to turn against
            their own Monarch? What caused the reigning regime to                                                                                          world by tipping
            weaken? We cross-cut experts, narration, and reenactments
            to help weave the tension and draw the audience toward
            the ultimate unravelling.                                                                                                             the scales of power”

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