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            HISTORY                                                                                                                HISTORY
            hitler’s secret missions                                                                                               ukraine: holocaust ground zero

            6 secret, politically sensitive and highly complex missions. All high       Duration                                   The Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union in 1941 resulted in some of the      Duration
            risk with completely different outcomes.                                    6x60’                                      most horrific massacres and acts of genocide perpetrated during            1x60’
                                                                                        Credits                                    the Second World War, not least in Ukraine.                                Credits
            All designed and commissioned personally by Adolf Hitler and executed by his best   Big Media                                                                                                     A DoubleBand Films
            commanders. After careful and detailed research in the German, English and Italian   YOP                               At one site alone, on the outskirts of Kyiv, almost 34,000 Jews were shot by the Nazis   production for
            state archives as well as the secret archives of the Vatican, these stories can now be told.   2023                    over one weekend in September 1941. Such massacres led to little-known war crimes   Channel 4

            ‘Hitler’s Secret Missions’ is a thorough and in-depth investigation into these audacious,                              trials in the Soviet Union, including in the Ukrainian cities of Kyiv and Kharkiv. This is   YOP
            daring, and ruthless operations, designed and ordered by Hitler, as he set out to control   Definition                 the story of a bloody chapter in Ukraine’s history – one that continues to cast a long   2023
            the fate of Europe and determine the course of WWII and its final outcome.  HD                                         shadow today. It is the story of the beginning of the Holocaust.           Definition

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