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 cursed histories  invasion: the normans

 We unravel the histories and legends that unleashed a wave of   Duration  850 years ago, the Normans were one of the world’s most   Duration
 misfortune into the world. These tales of intrigue, heartbreak, and   6x60’  powerful military forces, dominating Britain, France, and Sicily.  2x60’

 deception are so tragic people still speak of them even today.  Credits                Credits
 Go Button Media &   Over two episodes we will explore the 12th Century Norman invasion of Ireland.   Tile Films
 otf studios
 Learn how one misstep can set off a ripple of suffering. From the tomb of Tutankhamun,   Generally considered English or Welsh, the Normans were in fact as much French as   YOP
 to the Hope Diamond, to the Lost City of Frenier, history is riddled with people, places,   YOP   British. Boasting a fascinating cast of characters, including the powerful Norman king   2023
 and objects that spread utterly wicked, unbridled chaos that brought death, disaster,   2023   Henry II; the opportunistic Norman lord Strongbow; the ruthless Irish king Diarmait;
 and destruction upon them. How did these curses come to be? Whose wrath is   Definition   and his ambitious daughter Aoife who became Strongbow’s wife, this documentary   Definition
 responsible? What’s the truth behind the unlucky?   4K  series tells one of history’s most epic stories. It’s a real-life Game of Thrones that
            changed the history of Europe forever.


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