P. 105

Our  first landing  on Telefon  Bay for  the  can survive more than 5 minutes in this
        English speaking group was a little later in  very chilly water that look like it has ice
        the morning today, so it was a big relief.  cubes everywhere. No one wears wetsuits
        It  was a  cold,  chilly,  windy  morning  and  like the young, fit and beefy pilots of the
        the water was so rough. I’m glad that this  rescue zodiacs; plus the average age of
        expedition was at the end because it would  the passengers is probably 65 years old
        have probably discouraged me to get out  or older. I hiked up halfway up the hill to
        of the ship again to go to shore if this was  take a picture of the crater, then I had to
        in the beginning. In this post, I included a  decide whether to follow the others to
        photo of the rescue zodiac that are always  hike up the rest of the volcanic hills and
        on the alert for any mishaps or accident  make my way down the other side. I said
        in case any of us fall in the water where  “Nay”. This is late in the summer now and
        a very healthy person has 20 minutes or  most of the ice on some parts of the path
        less time to survive. Looking at my fellow  is now slushy and slippery even when they
        passengers,  I  think  nobody  in  our  group,

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