Page 45 - Mesleki Ingilizce Dersi E-Portfolyosu
P. 45
2 NATURAL NUMBERS:Cont nues from 0 to forever
7 9 0 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11...........
1 5
6 4
8 3 COUNTING NUMBERS:Cont nues from 1 to forever
INTEGERS:all numbers from plus nf n ty to m nus nf n ty
....-4,-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3,4.... consecut ve ntegers
consecut ve numbers
w th a regular ncrement ....-3,-1,1,3,5..... consecut ve odd ntegers
amount are called
sequent al numbers
....-4,-2,0,2,4.... consecut ve even ntegers
ZERO A rat onal number s a
number that can be wr tten
a number
a natural number as a / b (a over b), prov ded
a rat onal numbers that a s an nteger, and b s
a ntager an nteger other than 0.
0 s not the
every natural number s an nteger
each count s an nteger odd (+ or -) odd=even
each count s a cold number odd (+ or -) even =odd
every nteger s a rat onal number even (+ or -) even=even
The numbers should be chosen close to
each other wh le f nd ng the greatest value
of the product of two numbers whose sum
s g ven.
f the product s even
then at least one of the
When f nd ng the greatest value of the sum numbers s even
of the two numbers whose products are
g ven, the numbers should be chosen
farther apart
When f nd ng the smallest value of the (+)*(-)=(-)
product of two numbers whose sum s (-)*(-)=(-)
g ven, the numbers should be chosen far
from each other.