Page 48 - Mesleki Ingilizce Dersi E-Portfolyosu
P. 48

Where do math

                symbols come from ?

                                      W O R L D   O F

                              M A T H E M A T İ C S

                                                                                    P L U S

                   E Q U A L

                                                                            The origin is the

           Robert Recorde, an                                            abbreviation of the

                       English                                            Latin word '' ett '',

         mathematician in the                                         meaning '' and ''Thus,

             16th century, was                                           the word "add" was

                giving algebra                                             formed.'' + '' Sign
                lessons to her                                          formed from letter T

          students.But he was

               getting tired of

           repeating the word

             'equals' over and

            over.and replaced

         this with 2 horizontal,

                 parallel lines

                                                                                T I M E S

                                                                       The repeated sum of

                                                                        the same number is

                                                                         abbreviated by the

                                                                      product sign. The '' + ''

                                                                       is rotated 90 degrees
                    S I G M A

             Sum of consecutive

             numbers, Which is a

                long expression,

         Summed up in one sign.

                                           E M R E   U N C U
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