Page 25 - KMAland Healthcare Heroes
P. 25

KMAland 2021             A Salute to KMAland Healthcare Heroes                                  25

                                                                        Gute says instructors at Fre-
                                                                      mont-Mills  and Stanton con-
                                                                      tinue to face a big challenge in
                                                                      attending to students in person
                                                                       and virtually at the same time.
                                                                        “We have some supports in
                                                                       place for students that are out-
                                                                       side of school, or chose not
                                                                       to come back in, but are still
                                                                       part of our system,” said Gute.
                                                                       “But then, you turn around
                                                                       and you ask a teacher to make
                                                                       sure you’re trying to keep that
                                                                       kid up to speed on differ-
                                         Nelson says  funding  for  the   ent things. So, that’s sometimes
         went  two weeks without having   position will largely come from   probably not fair to have that,
         school.”                      leftover money in the district’s   but  everyone’s  rolled  with  it  as
           Shortly after the F-M shut-  at-risk/dropout   prevention  well as they can, and given the
         down, guidelines were changed   funds.                       circumstances.”
         in the state stating that students   “The CARES Act funds we’ve   Likewise, Nelson says instruc-
         wearing masks would not have to   largely used for technology,   tors in Shenandoah have adjust-
         quarantine if they were around   PPE, health and safety, cleaning   ed by using modern technology
         another positive case.        and different products like that,”   in keeping education going.
           Perhaps the biggest heroes in   said Nelson. “We believe we’ll be   “They’ve learned to use new
         the school during the pandemic   able to support this using some   tools such as Google Class-
         have been teachers. After ex-  of the reserves that we have in   room and ZOOM,” said Nelson.
         perimenting with virtual learn-  at-risk. Because we weren’t in   “Some of them have done some
         ing platforms during the spring   school this spring,  our typi-  live feeds, while others have pro-
         shutdown, nearly every district   cal summer programs were not   vided more video instruction for
         in the state has implemented at   available, so we’re able to apply   their students.
         least some form of remote learn-  some of that funding to support   They’ve all tried it in different
         ing. In Shenandoah, the school   these needs.”               ways.  I  think  the  thing  they’ve
         board approved creating a new                                had to do the most is spend more
         position on staff to help
         families and staff bridge the
         technology-eduction divide.
           “It’s a teaching position that
         will help families who have opt-
         ed to participate in our remote
         learning program,” said Nelson.
         “This person would be working
         with the families and coordi-
         nating educational services in
         the school and working with
         students in small groups. They
         would be ensuring that the
         students who are participating
         remotely have a high-quality
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