Page 29 - KMAland Healthcare Heroes
P. 29

KMAland 2021              A Salute to KMAland Healthcare Heroes                                     29

                                      with Page County Public
                                        Health Administrator
                                         Jessica Erdman

                                               (KMAland) –
                                            It’s been more than one
                                         year since COVID-19 first
                                          made an appearance in the
                                          southwest corner of Iowa.

            n March 8, 2020, Iowa      Over the course of the next year,  on the frontlines of the pandemic
            Governor Kim Reynolds  public health officials were tasked  each day.  She recently reflected
     Oconfirmed the state’s first  with a number of difficult jobs: con-  on one year of battling COVID-19
   three cases of the virus, stemming  tact tracing, virus mitigation educa-  during an interview with KMA’s
   from  a group  of individuals  who  tion and, most recently, vaccinating  Mike Peterson.
   were on a cruise.  Similarly, Page  the public.
   County’s first case of COVID-19     Page County Public Health Ad-     Mike:  It's been one year since COV-
   was traced back to a cruise and was  ministrator Jessica Erdman is among  ID-19 first hit Iowa, can you describe what
   reported on March 25.              the countless public health officials  it's been like for you and for other public
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