Page 2 - Professorial Lecture - Prof Kasanda
P. 2

Professor Choshi D. Kasanda              BIOGRAPHY

             Professor in Mathematics Studies
                                                   Prof. Choshi D Kasanda obtained his Bachelor of Science
                  Faculty of Education
                                                   (Education) degree majoring in Mathematics and Physics
                  University of Namibia            Science at the University of Zambia (UNZA), in 1974. He
                                                   obtained his  Master of Science  degree in Mathematics
                                                   Education (1977)  and a PhD  (Mathematics  Education)
                                                   (1985)  from the University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA.
                                                   He taught and supervised Masters students at the UNZA,
                                                   served as founding HoD of the Department of Mathematics
                                                   and Science Education, as well as Assistant Dean. Prof.
                                                   Kasanda has been in the employment of UNAM since 1992.
                                                   At UNAM, he has served in a variety of capacities including
                                                   that  of Deputy Dean of the Faculty of  Education  from
                                                   2008-2011, at a time when the Colleges of Education were
                                                   being merged with the Faculty of Education. Currently,
                                                   Prof. Kasanda is the Deputy Director of the Teaching and
                                                   Learning Improvement Unit (TLIU) which oversees the
                                                   quality in teaching and learning at UNAM. Prof. Kasanda
                                                   has carried out numerous research in his area of expertise
                                                   and has widely published in journals, written chapters in
                                                   books  and presented  at Conferences  and Seminars. His
                                                   research interests, inter alia, includes teaching and learning
                                                   in  Mathematics  and Science,  Indigenous  Knowledge
                                                   Systems and the subject of gender in Mathematics and
                                                   Science teaching and learning.
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