Page 9 - UNAM Annual Report 2017
P. 9
Chancellor’s Statement
H.E. Dr Hifikepunye Pohamba, former President of the Republic of Namibia
ision 2030 will be the litmus test for radio astronomy, water
Namibia. With a little more than a engineering, veterinary
decade left until the year 2030, our medicine, dentistry
Vcountry soon faces a destiny that has and new materials
long been foretold – industrialisation. development – these
initiatives are only the
At present, this vision is still like a great mountain, tip of the iceberg.
with a long and steep staircase before it.
Although the first crucial steps have been taken A robust staff
since independence, much more climbing is development policy
needed to reach the top. continues, which
ensures our capability
As Chancellor of the largest and premier tertiary as a growing
institution in the country, I am happy to report institution. The former
that UNAM stands ever ready to lead what may, colleges of education that were merged
perhaps, one day, be considered one of the with UNAM in 2010, have been the greatest
greatest expeditions of our time. beneficiaries of this policy. The staff development
programme has upskilled 80% of staff, who now
With 12 campuses across the country, offering possess the required qualifications to teach at
a myriad of disciplines and good infrastructure, the highest level, which allows them to benefit
UNAM has ensured that access to quality from international partnerships in Finland, the
education is not hampered by location. United States of America (USA) and the United
Given our small population, finding talent is of Kingdom.
paramount importance, no matter where in the
country it may hide. Through partnerships with The total sum of all these developments, and
government, significant investments have been more, mean that I can assure our stakeholders
made to ensure the inclusion of marginalised that UNAM is on course with its mandate.
communities, such as the San and the Himba.
I will err greatly if I fail to emphasise that
Whilst we embrace the splendour of modern financing of capital projects and various new
medicine every day, we refuse to abandon and expensive programmes has become
the knowledge that lies hidden in our roots. To challenging in recent years. As a consequence,
that end, the period under review saw various we look to more flexible solutions to raising
research activities undertaken to learn more funds from multiple sources. However, when
about the mysteries and benefits of indigenous we consider that UNAM has the highest
lifestyles. The results are telling and offer new concentration of brainpower in the country, I
approaches to health and nutrition. have confidence that it is merely a matter of
time before the institution solves this challenge.
In terms of programme development, UNAM
has laboured hard to grow its faculties, with new Although I retire my throne of chancellor of
initiatives in the form of entirely new programmes UNAM this year, I remain forever a part of this
or joint partnerships, in areas such as toxicology, great institution and the ideals that it stands for.
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