Page 11 - UNAM Annual Report 2017
P. 11
Chairperson of Council’s Statement
Mr Sam Shivute, Director of Banking Services, Bank of Namibia
he true cost of big dreams is a growing The implementation
potential for facing challenges. Serving of a new and custom-
a second year as council membrs since built University
Tour appointment, we have accomplished management system
much, and learned many important lessons presented unforeseen
during the year 2017. challenges. However,
we proceeded with
Among the many accomplishments in our rear- great caution, and
view mirror, some deserve special mention. With will keep reviewing
less than a year left before the end of the Vice the working system at
Chancellor’s term, rigorous preparation marked each step of the year.
the beginning of a great quest to find UNAM’s
next vice-chancellor. The period under
review also expe-
Due consideration was taken to ensure that rienced heightened international activity
the terms of reference allowed for the best between the University and partner institutions
and most fitting candidates to surface from and organisations. Robust staff and student
the process. Wide stakeholder consultations exchange programmes took place, along
were held in order to manage expectations with the renewal and formation of notable
and keep the process transparent and fair. We, international collaborations in the areas of
therefore, have every confidence that a great information technology (IT), road safety, malaria
leader, perfectly suited to meet the challenges
before us, will emerge from the recruitment and social work, to mention a few.
While government funding continued to
At the time Council took over the mantle dwindle, the demand for higher education
of governing UNAM in the year 2016, the increased steadily. The social model upon which
country’s economy had been negatively the University operates forbids unreasonable fee
afflicted by global economic events. This increases. This has placed pressure and strain
meant that funding for the University by the on our physical infrastructure, IT, and the quality
State decreased. We swore then that we would of teaching and support services. The strategic
remain resolutely optimistic about our mandate response has been to support the Centre for
and solve the pressing problem of dwindling Open, Distance and e-Learning (CODeL) to
resources. Staying true to that oath, Council expedite the process of presenting more courses
moved quickly to support policies that would, in distance mode, in order to alleviate the strain
in the near future, allow the University to raise on our physical and digital resources.
money through owned business entities. The fruit
of such labour is yet to manifest, but we remain Despite these challenges, the University Council
confident that this is the solution. The University remains highly confident about the institution’s
is no longer an infant, and it has, within its girdle, ability to power out of the current financially
the means by which to raise capital for a big troubled waters, and shift towards greater
proportion of its needs. income generation.
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