Page 35 - Professorial Lecture - Prof Oyedele
P. 35

Oyedele, J. A., and Shimboyo, S. (2013). Distribution of Radionuclides and
                  Radiation Hazard Assessment in Soils of Southern Namibia, Southern
                  Africa. Radiation  Protection  Dosimetry, 156, 343-348.

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                  Environmental  238 U and  232 Th concentration measurements in an
                  area of high level natural background radiation at Palong, Johor,
                  Malaysia. Journal of  Environmental  Radioactivity,  80, 287-304.

           Sahin, L., and Cavas, M. (2008). Natural radioactivity measurements in soil
                  samples  of  central  Kutahya  (Turkey).  Radiation  Protection
                  Dosimetry, 131, 526-530.

           Shapiro, J. (2002). Radiation Protection. (4  ed.). Cambridge: Harvard
                   University Press.

           Shimboyo, S. A. (2013). Natural Radioactivity in Soils of the Walvis Bay-Henties
                   Bay  Coastal  Area,  Namibia.  Masters  dissertation,  University  of
                  Namibia, Windhoek, Namibia.

           Shimboyo, S. and Oyedele, J. A. (2015). Determination of natural
                  radioactivity in soils of Henties Bay, Namibia,  International Science
                  and Technology Journal of Namibia, 5, 104-110.

           Turner, J. E. (2012). Atoms, Radiation, and Radiation Protection (3  ed.).
                  Weinheim: Wiley-VCH Verlang GmbH & Co. KGaA.

           Tsoulfanidis, N., and Landsberger, S. (2011). Measurement and Detection of
                   Radiation (3  ed.). New York: CRC Press.

           United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation
                  (UNSCEAR) (2000). Sources of ionizing radiation (Annex B). Report to
                  the General Assembly, New York: United Nations Publication.

           Wrixon, A. D. (2008). New ICRP ( International Commission on Radiological
                  Protection) recommendations. Journal of Radiological Protection,
                  28, 161-168.
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