Page 3 - School of Nursing Awards (October 2021)
P. 3



                              It is with great honour and appreciation to the University of
                              Namibia and particular the school of Nursing under the faculty
                              of health sciences and public health, that I am launching
                              the JK KATJIKURU STUDENT LEADERSHIP AWARD. This is my little
                              contribution to honour those nursing students who promote
                              leadership in health and nursing in general. The main reason
                              why I decided to introduce this award under the school of
                              nursing annual award  ceremony is to honour the student
                              leaders that take the extra mile in promoting the school of
                              nursing at student activities, campus student politics and
                              outside the UNAM campus. It is an award dedicated to the
                              selfless sacrifices nursing student leaders make to make others
       Mr. J Katjikuru        journey memorable and to  promote the nursing profession
                              and school at large. We all are not academically excellent,
                              thus acknowledging those that are selflessly serving the school
                              of nursing in community and leadership activities.
                              I am humbly honored to present the first ever JK KATJIKURU
                              STUDENT LEADERSHIP  AWARD  2021  to my follow class  mate,
                              class representative, student leader Mr. Henock Hangula
                              (201609397)  as the first beneficiary. Henock served our
                              school and the university selflessly and exposed himself to
                              student service. He is a humble and hardworking follow, who
                              commands respect from both student and the staff and our
                              school. In the same vein, I would also like to congratulate the
                              two CUM LAUDE graduates from my class, Mr. Elvis Aibeb and
                              Ms. Rosita Shaanika, CONGRATULATIONS!

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