Page 4 - School of Nursing Awards (October 2021)
P. 4

Midwifery Award

          Midwifery AWARD is given as a recognition   also the  Associate Dean  of the  School of
          of students who has shown remarkable   Nursing and Public Health within the Faculty.
          practical  skills  in  Midwifery  science  . It   She graduated from The University of Orange
          is sponsored by the staff at Midwifery   Free state in 1977 with a Comprehensive
          department , Main campus .  The aim is
          to appreciate and motivate the love for   Diploma  in  General  Nursing, Midwifery
          midwifery among nursing students. The   and Psychiatry and worked as a registered
          award  has been honoured to  exceptional   nurse in Rundu Hospital in Kavango East for
          colleagues/person in the past that has made   7 years where after she joined the world of
          significant contribution to the Midwifery   academics at the Academy, now University
          department. For 2020, the first year Midwifery   of Namibia (UNAM)  in Windhoek.  She
          students will be awarded in honour of Prof.    received her doctorate in 2009 through the
          Pretorius for her  unwavering  support  to
          the midwives,  for ensuring  that midwifery   University of Namibia and was promoted to
          teaching and learning within the School of   Associate  professor in  2019.  Although  she
          Nursing and Public health is geared towards   officially retired in June 2021 she currently
          the  improvement in quality  of the  care of   holds a contract position with University
          women and newborn in Namibia.        of Namibia.  She is passionate about
                                               nursing  with field of expertise  in ethos and
          Louise Pretorius is a Namibian with over forty-
          four years of experience in nursing practice   professional practice, critical thinking and
          and nurse education.  She currently serves   nurse education. In addition,  she adores
          as the Acting Executive Dean of Faculty of   working with disadvantaged and elderly
          Health Science and Veterinary Medicine but   people in particular.

                                               Midwifery department staff at main campus
                                               honoring Prof L. Pretorius for the Midwifery Award

                                               Front Row :  From left to right
                                               Prof. Louise Pretorius , Associate Dean for the
                                               School of Nursing and Public Health   and
                                               Dr  Emma  Nghitanwa  , Head of Department  ,
                                               Midwifery Science.

                                               Back Row :  From left to right
                                               Ms. Popyeni  Shigwedha , Ms. Ingenesia Tjiurutue,
                                               Ms. Annastacia Kazimbu, Ms. Claudia Mbapaha
                                               and Ms. Hilde Nashandi.

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