Page 31 - MRC Newsletter Ed-1 (2021)
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                                          CORPORATE RELATIONS DIVISION
                                  CORDIALLY INVITES YOU TO A PUBLIC WEBINAR


                                               COVID-19 CURRICULA

                                              TUESDAY, 21 JULY 2020
                                                TIME:  14H00-15H30

                   The COVID-19 pandemic has transmuted teaching and learning ominously, imposing histrionic conversion
                   on time-honoured university traditions. Traditional in person classes have evolved into socially constructed
                   online classes, signified by synchronous and asynchronous learning and teaching approaches. Academics
                   have expeditiously operationalised online curricula, teaching via Zoom, Microsoft teams and Skype
                   classrooms. COVID-19 has compelled forward-thinking technological approaches to sustain the intellectual
                   project. Technological hardware, software and access to the world wide web, have revealed the veracities of
                   the digital divide.We look forward to seeing you there!


                                                   DR MARIAM  SEEDAT KHAN
                                                 (UNIVERSITY OF KWAZULU-NATAL)


                 (SOUTH AFRICA)       (MALAYSIA)         (NAMIBIA)               (CANADA)

                                                 ENQUIRIES ONLY:  SHAKILA THAKURPERSAD


                                                          CLICK TO RSVP

                                              PRESENTER BIOGRAPHIES

                                     Dr Mariam Seedat Khan is the academic leader for Society and Social Change  in the
                                     School of Social Sciences,  at the University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa.
                                     She is one of only three AACS Certified Clinical Sociologist in South Africa, and the
                                     founder of SMART. Dr Seedat is an executive member of the International Sociological
                                     Association Research Committee ISA RC-46 for Clinical Sociology. She is the editor of
                                     edition one and two of Sociology: A South African Perspective  and numerous peer

                  DR MARIAM SEEDAT KHAN   reviewed academic papers and book chapters.

                                     Dr Puspa Melati, Wan is a Senior Lecturer at Taylor’s University, Malaysia. She holds
                                     a  PhD in Sociology and Anthropology from  the  International Islamic University
                                     Malaysia and completed her MSc in Sociology from  the  University of Oxford, UK
                                     and BA in Sociology  and Psychology from University of San Francisco, US. Her
                                     community involvement,  publication  topics and  research interests include  people
                                     with different abilities, single mothers, deviance, youth, and the media.
                   DR PUSPA MELATI, WAN

                                     Professor Philani Moyo is the Director of the Fort Hare Institute for Social and Economic
                                     Research, University of Fort Hare, South Africa. He has researched and published
                                     extensively on the social dimensions of climate change, food security and migration.
                                     His current research on ‘Climate Smart Agriculture’ is funded by the National Research
                                     Foundation of South Africa

                  PROFESSOR PHILANI MOYO

                                     Nelago Indongo, DPhil, is an Associate Professor in the Department of Statistics and
                                     Population Studies and Director of the Multidisciplinary Research Centre at the University
                                     of Namibia. Her key research focuses on population dynamics and reproductive health
                                     in relation to urbanisation. She is well conversant with issue of population growth and
                                     population ageing. Indongo has published award-winning journal articles and book
                                     chapters. She has represented the University of Namibia at various platforms, including

                   NELAGO INDONGO, DPHIL  being part of the Association of Commonwealth Universities steering committee of
                                     SDGs. She has been awarded research funding through Namibia - South Africa NCRST-
                                     NRF joint call. Indongo and her collaborators have conducted several research projects
                                     that have contributed to national policies review and programme interventions,
                                     especially in the areas of maternal and child health, adolescent health and teenage
                                     pregnancy. She is a member of professional associations concerned with population
                                     studies and has presented academic papers at international conferences.

                                     Professor Katherine Lyon is Assistant Professor of  Teaching in the Department of
                                     Sociology at The University of British Columbia. Her area of research is in the Sociology
                                     of Education and the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, with a focus on experiential
                                     pedagogies. She has published in the Canadian Review of Sociology, Teaching Sociology,
                                     and Family Science Review. Katherine holds a Certificate on Curriculum and Pedagogy
                                     in Higher Education from the International Program for the Scholarship of Educational
                  PROFESSOR KATHERINE LYON  Leadership and is a recipient of the Vantage Educational Innovation and Teaching
                                     Awards and the SAGE Teaching Innovations and Professional Development Award

                                        INSPIRING GREATNESS
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