Page 30 - MRC Newsletter Ed-1 (2021)
P. 30
The great support services that was to their research activities or to Ms Shivute provided Mendeley
provided to MRC staff played a their day to day activities at the training to researchers which assisted
crucial role in the accomplished Centre. Evelyn Shimooshili worked them in terms of easily accessing
work by Researchers to fulfill their at the MRC secretariat office and useful recently published articles
research plans. But for this successful amongst her responsibilities she for research. She further provided
implementation of research project ensured to record and take minutes Electronic-resource training to
to be realized depended on the during MRC meetings, prepared
good administrative support to and circulated agenda minutes for researchers which equipped them
researchers from the administrator’s official meetings. with skills on how to search for
finance office. The management of available online resources through
the overall Finance aspects at the Ms Shimooshili coordinated the UNAM library services. At times,
MRC fell under the capable hands of appointment schedules for the researchers needed assistance
Mrs. Joyce Shipale who ensured that office of the director and received on what materials to use for their
all the financial aspects of research all visitors to the Centre. She further specific research topics and Ms
activities were done in terms of handled incoming calls and Shivute recommended library
the prescribed UNAM financial documentations to ensure that MRC materials to researchers which they
procedures and regulations. Mrs staff members are accessible with could use for their specific research
Shipale further dealt with personnel regard to information sharing with engagements.
administration ensuring that the
management measures of UNAM the outside world. Ms Shimooshili has
assets at the MRC were in place over time assisted with mushroom Ms Shivute liaised with other library
and effectively functional. It was training and helped to organize institutions to support researchers
for example important that every MRC official functions and events. to borrow resources which are not
time researchers intended to use Another central institution that readily available at UNAM through
UNAM vehicles they communicated has rendered support services to the interlibrary loan services. She
such intentions through her office to researchers over time has been the ensured that researchers are signed
ensure smooth research operations MRC Resource Centre. The resource up as members of the UNAM library
or research field work. Centre preserve researchers’ community to ensure smooth library
research outputs such as their resources usage. The important
The secretariat office was another technical reports from projects, end result of research was research
important gateway to MRC, and our copies of published book chapters,
secretariat staff were the face of MRC books and journal articles. Ms Shivute outputs which needed to be stored
since all official correspondences has over years diligently supported safely for use by other researchers
or visits to the Centre went through researchers, visiting students and and, Ms. Shivute ensured that
this office. MRC staff appreciated community members to access the researchers deposit their scholarly
the support received through the available resources at MRC resource work on the UNAM institutional
office of the secretary relating Centre. repository platform.
“Over the years, I enjoy being part of the “I am excited to be part of MRC, I gained “I like the collaborative environment at
MRC team, due to our healthy working a lot of experience on Administration and MRC, every day brings a new challenge
relationship. The hard work of the researchers Mushrooms skills”. and I am continually learning. I enjoy serving
are always encouraging me to provide colleagues to make difference in their
appropriate and timely services they need”. professional lives.”