Page 28 - MRC Newsletter Ed-1 (2021)
P. 28
(Ms Immaculate Mogotsi,
with other panellists on the
Namibian Broadcasting
Corporation (NBC-TV), on the
programme Lets Talk
Ms Immacullate Mogotsi
Senior Researcher
Social Sciences Division)
Ms Immaculate Mogotsi,
A gendered the 2018 IGU Conference,
with other panelists during
Windhoek. Namibia.)
on COVID-19,
the Namibian reality
At first glance, one might wonder Ms Mogotsi indicates that first (2018, p. 74) report further states
what gender has to do with and foremost, women are at the that “only 5.3% are men compared
COVID-19, given that both men forefront in the fight against the to 17.5% women” and that “more
and women are affected by the Corona-virus (COVID-19), because women (14.2%) are employed at
Corona-virus. However, according of the jobs they occupy. “The vast the household [level] as domestic
to the Chinese Centre for Disease majority of nurses, supermarket workers compared to men (5.7%)”.
Control and Prevention men die employees, teachers or cleaners In this regard, Ms Mogotsi avers
slightly more from the disease, are women,” she ascertains. that within these work settings,
although the underlying causes for Moreover, Ms Mogotsi’s assertions “women, rarely have the necessary
this are not identified. Similarly, the agree with the report of the Namibia equipment to protect themselves
Namibian Ministry of Health and Labour Force Survey (2018, p. 62) and more women than men deal
Social Services shows that more which reports that “more than 90% directly with customers and thus
men contract and succumb to of health-care workers in Namibia they face more risks of exposure to
COVID-19. However, the social and are women.” COVID-19.”
economic disruptions produced
by the virus are likely to hit women Furthermore, there is a stark After the detection of the first two
harder, due to several factors differentiation in the jobs occupied COVID-19 cases in the country, the
and a researcher in the Gender by men and women in for example, Namibian government decided
Programme at MRC discusses the some front line industries such to close schools and it issued a
dynamics that are involved. as accommodation and food directive for people to remain
services. The Labour Force Survey home and avoid big gatherings. Ms