Page 24 - MRC Newsletter Ed-1 (2021)
P. 24

Life Science



       reflections of

       the last five


       The Life Science Division (LSD), led  been hard at work identifying key  Nigeria, and Windhoek in Namibia.
       by Dr Selma Lendelvo (second  research themes of national interest  The  project  assessed how  these
       from  right),  has four  research  in consultation with stakeholders,  cities  are using groundwater,  their
       programmes: Water Management,  and they have developed several  policies and the  best ways to  use
       Security   and   Sustainability  in  projects and funding proposals.  groundwater,  and shared ideas
       developing countries  lead by Dr  Dr Lendelvo mentioned  some of  on the sustainable  management
       Lewis (far right), Social-ecological  the key projects within the LSD as  of  groundwater."  Dr Lewis has
       Systems Research  lead by Dr  follows: Researchers  worked  with  also done  extensive  work  on
       Lendelvo (second from  right),  colleagues from other divisions on a  borehole  water quality, mainly
       Biodiversity and Restoration Ecology  land research project, contributing  in  the  southern  parts  of  Namibia,
       led by Dr Inman (second from left)  to  land research  in  Namibia. One  where  groundwater is sometimes
       and Climate Change, Vulnerability  of LSD's leading research  projects  not suitable for water consumption.
       Assessments and Disaster Risk lead  focused on water quality and  One of  Dr Lewis' MSc students
       by Ms Siyambango (far  left).    Dr  management in rural areas, which  conducted  research  on  using
       Selma Lendelvo explained that  involved  an MA student as part  homemade  filtration  techniques,
       the  overarching  function  of  the  of  the  human  capacity building  specifically  designed  for  rural
       LSD  is to  play  a  leading research  process.  Furthermore,  a  research  conditions that can be used to
       role in managing and utilising the  project  on  water  resilience in  improve the quality  of drinking
       natural resources for  sustainable  developing countries  sought  to  water.
       development,     conservation   of   ensure the management and good
       biodiversity,  and   provision  of   practices  in  the  management  of  Other    projects   included     a
       ecosystem services.                  groundwater.  Dr  Lewis shed  more  collaborative project with the City
                                            light  on  the  project  as follows:  of Windhoek (COW), which aimed
       In order to attain the core function  "The cities heading the project are  to create awareness and highlight
       of the LSD, researchers  have  Cape Town in South Africa, Lagos in  the challenges of climate change

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