Page 20 - MRC Newsletter Ed-1 (2021)
P. 20

Science &

      Technology Division:

      Achievements and


       During the last 5 years, the S&TD of  through the MRC budgetary allocations,
       MRC hosted a number of research  the researchers in the division were hard
       programmes      including   Renewable    at work in liaising with funding institutions
       Energy Technologies Drug Development  to acquire funding for their proposed
       and Diagnostics; Traditional Medicine  research  projects. He also indicated
       and    Drug    Discovery;   Indigenous   that there  was considerable success
       Knowledge  Systems Technology  (IKST)  in mobilising research  funding by the
       Food and Beverage; Farms to Forks; and  researchers  which contributed  to  the
       Malaria Operational Research.            smooth running of these initiatives.

        Prof. Cheikhyoussef stated that the  As an example, the  Wind Power  Mrs Iileka
       division   organised     stake-holders’  Generation  Project  has been amongst    The past 2 years have been a
       workshops to identify key research  UNAM’s flagship projects that received        great experience and learning
       themes  or  areas  that  speak to  external funding to support community          curve working on a community
       national priority goals for sustainable  initiatives for  wind  power  generation   wind energy project. I am
       development     of   Namibia.     Prof.  as a way to support communities’         looking forward to a successful,
       Cheikhyoussef    further  stated   that  socio-economic  initiatives. One  of  the   sustainable and replicable
       apart from the operational budget  lead researchers  on  the  wind  power         community-engaging project
       for research that the division  receives  project reflects on her experience:     within the next 5 years

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