Page 22 - MRC Newsletter Ed-1 (2021)
P. 22
The division also recorded Ms. Rosalia Joseph who is now in elimination of the disease by
academic achievements among a researcher in the division. 2022. These include the first clinical
researchers which ranged from Several innovative prototype trial in Namibia on presumptive
successfully participating and products were developed during treatment to prevent malaria
presenting at national and the last 5 years including a transmission with UCSF and the
international conferences and plant-based nanoparticle drug Novartis Foundation, as well as
also of capacity building through delivery system for cancer; a pH an ongoing multinational Phase
the upgrading of academic sensitive nanoparticle system for III clinical trial on a novel malaria
qualifications by researchers, and delivery of plant extracts to the diagnostic being conducted in six
in this regard, the HoD stated that: lower intestines for treatment African countries funded by the
“Over 60 conference presentations of diarrhoea in children; plant Europe and Developing Country
and proceedings were presented based capsules for treatment and Clinical Trials Program (EDCTP).
at national and international prophylaxis of malaria as well as UNAM personnel received training
platforms. In addition, some staff a blended tea from indigenous at AMREF in Nairobi Kenya and
members were accorded staff plants with antimalarial properties. will receive further training from
development opportunity to Standardised traditional beverages the Amsterdam Medical Centre in
advance academically. and herbal teas with nutritional the Netherlands on prevention of
and medicinal properties based malaria transmission to those most
The division was successful in on indigenous knowledge have at risk. The Division was part of the
resource mobilization for research also been developed. A tea bag Mobile Malaria Project to increase
activities but also in securing making machine was acquired awareness of malaria research and
equipment to increase UNAMs for the advancement of this show molecular diagnosis on the
research capacity. A flow initiative to make herbal teas disease can be conducted in the
cytometer was received through with health benefits. The division’s back of a Land Rover.
collaboration between UNAM outputs of final research products
and the University of Freiburg in for further innovative processing
Germany by Dr. Du Preez who have been pleasing to the
received the relevant training researchers and they await the
under a fellowship funded under final standardisation. In this regard,
the German Research Foundation Prof. Cheikhyoussef explained
funding scheme. Lab equipment that, “All the final products from
valued at N$250,000 used for the prototypes are in the pipeline Dr. Du Preez
the Namibia Population-based and awaiting final standardisation
HIV Impact Assessment Survey and sensory evaluation tests MRC has provided a platform for me to grow
and contribute to my field - documentation,
(NAMPHIA) was also received from before they will be forwarded and value-addition of medicinal indigenous
the Namibia Institute of Pathology to the Centre of Innovation and knowledge. This enabled me to generate and
transfer knowledge to both staff and students. I
and the University of California Development of UNAM for potential am grateful to MRC for this opportunity.”
at San Francisco (UCSF). The commercialisation.” During these
partnership with the University of few years, it was important to ensure
San Francisco has been one of our that the research laboratories,
strongest partnerships on malaria specifically the Biomedical
research. The UCSF also donated 2 Research Laboratory at UNAM
Toyota Hilux vehicles to UNAM and is functional and is standardised
transferred what is now the country’s in order to be used effectively by Mrs Muyongo
second insectary for rearing researchers.
mosquitoes to UNAM. Through Since I joined UNAM, I gained experience in
the UCSF-UNAM partnership one The division has conducted Plasmodium culture where I acquired new
laboratory skills and techniques then, through
PhD and six MSc students were cutting edge research on malaria SADCAS training I am fully accredited in
funded including the Namibia’s diagnosis and other interventions ISO17025. I am looking forward to be one of the
first female medical entomologist, geared to support the government future research scientists in medicinal plants and
development of UNAM’s Management system.