Page 19 - MRC Newsletter Ed-1 (2021)
P. 19

The last five years

       have thus been

       a period of many

       engagements for

       ZERI researchers                                                         DR KADHILA
                                                                                Head: ZERI
       and many of                                                              “It was a privilege to lead the ZERI Division

       them reflect and                                                         with an enthusiastic team of women
                                                                                scientists having a mutual purpose; we grew
       summarise their                                                          academically and accomplished much
       experiences as


       DR LYDIA HORN                        MRS SHIVUTE                         MS ISABELLA UEITELE
       Researcher: ZERI                     Researcher: ZERI                    Technologist: ZERI

       “Joining the MRC as a researcher was the   “The merging of ZERI unit with MRC was a   “My time at ZERI has been one of adventure
       greatest experience in my professional career.   good move as it encourages teamwork, and   and growth. I never imagined that I would
       I like the hard work of the team and this has   it is good working with a group of researchers   build my career around fungi and have fun
       motivated me to work harder going forward!”   from different disciplines”   while at it!!!”

                                                             MULTIDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH CENTRE  RESEARCH MATTERS VOL 8. 2021  019
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