Page 15 - MRC Newsletter Ed-1 (2021)
P. 15
From Right to left, Honourable Minister John Mutorwa, Prof Anicia Peters (PVC:RID), Prof Kenneth Matengu (VC, UNAM), and
Dr Kletus Likuwa (Author) at the book launch on 07 September 2021
their vast knowledge and experience cooperation of the DLA Marbach and
were also invited to form part of various UNAM towards enhancing cooperation
national committees in the country such between the Baden-Württemberg
as the case with a young and vibrant and Namibia in their joint cultural and
researcher, Mr Mwetulundila, who was
in 2019 nominated to serve on the academic projects.
national technical committee of “Leave
No One Behind” (LNOB), an overarching Dr Shiweda also stated that one of the Mr Martin Shapi
objective of the 2030 Agenda. With the senior researchers from the division, Dr MRC is a Robust and Resilient
participation of Mr Mwetulundila, the Likuwa, received a special invitation Research Arm of UNAM which
LNOB technical committee established from the German foreign office as is committed to put UNAM on
the international map in terms of
a standard on how to measure the impactful scientific publications
“Leave No One Behind” phenomenon the only participant from Africa to and human capital production
in the Namibian context under the participate in a memory project in 2019 with emphasis on state of the
art scientific output. I have
auspices of the Namibia Statistics on “How Germany should remember professionally learnt and grown,
Agency (NSA). their 20th century History.” The visit by Dr and I am still learning and
growing whilst serving at MRC
Likuwa took him to various historic and and I am exceedingly grateful!
The HoD states that there were some heritage sites of Germany where he
colleagues in her department such as made meaningful contributions.
Prof Indongo who was appointed the
Lead Researcher for Adolescent Health
Service Barriers Assessment, and the In December 2020, the SSD with the
same colleague attended a Regional support of researchers from divisions of
Training Workshop on Methodology in MRC, organised the launch of a history
Lusaka, Zambia, from 24 to27 September book entitled “Voices from the Kavango: Dr. Napandulwe Shiweda
2019. Furthermore, Dr Shiweda herself, A study of the Contract Labour System in
participated and presented a paper Namibia, 1925-1972.” The event invited Being at MRC has offered me a
at a workshop titled “Namibia – Facts chance to grow academically.
I managed to publish a number
and Fiction: Colonial ideologies and Honourable Minister John Mutorwa in of articles and supervise a few
images of Africa in Literature and his capacity as a former History teacher more students. My research
Public” at Deutsches Literaturarchiv and writer, and it further convened network has also expanded
tremendously offering more
(DLA) in Marbach and discussed further participants from different walks of lives. opportunities.