Page 13 - MRC Newsletter Ed-1 (2021)
P. 13
and Efficient Accomplishment
The Social Sciences Division (SSD) work in developing research specifically women. In addition, the
at MRC comprises of six operational projects and funding proposals and SSD spearheaded the study on the
research programmes under the in liaising with potential research viability of Lease Agreements with
custodian of qualified and capable partners to secure funding for respect to the livelihood of resettled
researchers and these programmes research. farmers. This study contributed to
include Population Dynamics and the increase in the registration of
Reproductive Health; Gender Dr Napandulwe Shiweda, who is leasehold in the Deeds Office as
Training and Research; Land the Head of Department of the a form of secure tenure rights. Ms
Research Programme; Education SSD, revealed that key amongst the Immaculate Mogotsi led a study
and Skills; Equity in Health; Disaster funding that the SSD researchers on Gender Based Violence (GBV)
Management; and History and secured, is an assignment from in collaboration with the Ministry
Contemporary Social Issues the Office of the First Lady. In this of Gender and Child Welfare and
Research. In an effort to attain regard, Dr Elisabeth Ngololo, a other stakeholders which resulted in
national developmental goals senior researcher in charge of the amendment of the Combating
and improve the quality of life of the Education and Skills Research of the Domestic Violence Act,
Namibian citizens, SSD engages Programme carried out a study that particularly the stricter enforcement
in research that is aligned to the was commissioned by the Office of of the protection orders by the law
National Development Plan 5’s the First Lady. enforcement agencies.
priority areas. Over the last five-year
period (2015-2020), researchers Mr Martin Shapi led a team of Other noteworthy projects entailed
displayed dedication and hard researchers on the National collaborative projects with the
Commercial Land Demand and Ministry of Poverty Eradication
Purchases in Namibia which was and Social Welfare on evaluating
commissioned and funded by the the Food Bank Programme in the
Ministry of Land Reform. The study Khomas Region which informed
revealed the discrepancies in land the ministry on the scaling up of
distribution among different social the project across the country.
groups of the Namibian society and Moreover, SSD recently completed
advised the government on the best a study on the assessment of
Dr Elisabeth Ngololo methods of land acquisition and lifestyle related diseases and
As a researcher under the distribution. Furthermore, the team coping mechanism of people living
project, I remain grateful that conducted research on Women’s in urban areas in Namibia. The
the Office of the First Lady land use, ownership and rights study shed light on the prevalence
considered the research
potential and human capacity study in Oshana, Ohangwena, of non-communicable diseases
of our researchers and provided Omusati and Oshikoto funded by and management thereof.
funding to the tune of N$305 055 Konrad Adenuer Stiftung (KAS).
for a project on Early Childhood
Development in Namibia.” The division secured funding for
Equally, other national projects This research served as a baseline thirteen projects and scholarships
with a national impact in which study for KAS to create awareness for four postgraduate students. Dr
SSD researchers were involved,
include some research projects in terms of gender disparities Shiweda attests that the efforts of
on land issues in Namibia. to land access and ownership, the researchers in securing funding