Page 8 - MRC Newsletter Ed-1 (2021)
P. 8

MRC at a Glance

       “Research  our  core  business” has  value addition to  local foods  mechanisms towards COVID-19
       been our inspiring slogan and  which potentially  also contribute  in  Namibia as well as conducting
       indeed we have been at it, states  to     economic     empowerment.      an  assessment  of  lifestyle related
       Prof  Indongo.  Over the years, we  Notably, are the  many trainings  diseases and  coping  mechanisms
       interrogated  a number  of  social,  we  conducted  under  ZERI  on  of  people  living in  urban  areas
       ecological     and     technology    mushroom cultivation and to date  in    Namibia.    Researchers   also
       issues  through    research   and    we are proud  to  announce  that  worked  with  communities  in  the
       our interaction  with the wider  a number  of  people we  trained  Kunene  region,  looking at the
       community and beyond has been  have started their small businesses  feasibility and  effectiveness  of
       extensive. Apart from being part of  on mushroom  while some are at  restoration as an ecosystem-based
       collaborative research projects, we  advanced plans to establish large  adaptation approach.  Moreover,
       communicated  our  research  and  scale mushroom farming. There  an experimental site was set up
       research initiatives  by organising  are some products  that  were  and it is anticipated that this
       research conferences,  and some  developed from  a number  of  initiative  will  eventually develop
       aspects of our research were dully  research initiatives and these have  into an impactful community
       interrogated  through  round  table  immense health benefits.            engagement  project.  In addition,
       discussions with experts in the public                                   researchers  studied the  impact of
       and private sector and NGOs.         Furthermore,  gender  equality has  climate change on the livelihoods
                                            been  a  cross  cutting  aspect  in  all  of communities irregularly disrupted
       Worth  noting  is that  sustainable  our research initiatives.  Gender  by seasonal flooding, and how they
       development goals have been  has been studied in relation to  become resilient.
       at the heart of our planning and  land access, climate change
       we  aspired  to  play our  role  and  resilience as well as in relation  Vigorous  resource  mobilisation  for
       contribute to Namibia’s successful  to  the most recent  COVID-19  research was also the focus of our
       attaining  all SDGs. With  regards  outbreak.  Researchers  also made  researchers  for  years and in this
       to  zero  hunger,  fighting  poverty  strides in providing information  on  regard,  researchers  at  the  MRC
       and ensuring good  health and  the living conditions and wellbeing  have been proactive in mobilising
       wellbeing, researchers  promoted  of  older  persons,  assessing the  resources  for various research
       projects  on  food  security  and  attitudes, behaviour and coping  projects. Funding was  mobilised

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