Page 10 - MRC Newsletter Ed-1 (2021)
P. 10

Library,   American     Chemical
                                                                                Society, Elsevier and many Scopus
                                                                                indexed journals have contributed
                                                                                to  UNAM  being ranked  among
                                                                                the top 30 universities in Africa. The
                                                                                Covid-19 pandemic has prompted
                                                                                us to rethink  and redesign our
                                                                                traditional  way of  promoting  and
                                                                                conducting  research.  We remain
                                                                                connected  with our  partners  and
                                  Dr Likuwa in Germany                          shared our  experience  as we go
                                                                                through lockdowns, working virtual.
       presentations and participated  Engagement,  to deliver a speech  We presented and participated in
       in discussion  during annual public  on  the  Sustainable Development  a number  of  Webinars including
       service celebrations. There  is also  Goals 2030 at Wilton Park, UK.     the one on “Reflecting on women
       ample evidence to indicate that  The  centre  continues  to  be  an  and Africa’s biodiversity  in the
       we have remained  active not  active partner  in the  Insaka  time  of  Covid-19”, “Managing  a
       only locally but also in the  global  consortium  which  brings  together  Research  Office  in  Lockdown”,
       arena. To illustrate this, some of the   the Copperbelt University (Zambia),   Malaria importation and the need
       MRC researchers were part of the     University  of  Kwazulu  Natal  (RSA),   for  improved surveillance in E8
       delegation that participated in the   Clemson University (USA) Montana   region” and “Women in Research:
       Carl Schletwein  foundation  20th    University  (USA)  and    Monash
       anniversary celebration in Basel,    South Africa. Through this initiative,   Experiences in building resilience
       Switzerland. Moreover, the German    mentorship and capacity  building   during the Covid-19 pandemic”.
       Foreign Office awarded one of our    of high standards was achieved.
       researchers to travel to German to   Other  Global partnership  include   We are thankful to the University of
       participate in a discussion theme    finalising  membership  of  University   Namibia  management, especially
       on how German should deal with       of Namibia to SDSN. We are also     to the PVC: RID, Prof  Peters and
       their 20th century history.                                              her  predecessors who  opened
                                            part of  forward  looking  projects,
                                            notably the  “Future  Rural Africa”   opportunities  for  researchers  to
       Additionally, one of our researchers   in collaboration with Universities of   reach  out  and network  as well
       travelled to  Germany  for  two      Bonn and Cologne in German; as      as for  providing unconditional
       weeks and received a training        well as “sustainable smart city” in   support whenever needed. Their
       on      Biomaterials    extraction                                       unwavering support contributed
       and     characterization    under    partnership with City of Windhoek.        our   achievements      and
                                            Furthermore,  our  ground  breaking  to
       the  BMBF NaMiComp funded
       project   between    UNAM     and    research publications  in Oxford  strengthened  us to overcome  a
       the Institute of New Materials       Academic     Journals,   Springer-  number of challenges, concluded
       (INM)  in  Saarbrucken,  Germany.    Nature,  PubMed, Wiley Online  Prof Indongo.
       Researchers  also travelled to  the
       University of Freiburg,  Germany,
       the London School of Hygiene and
       Tropical Medicine U.K,  and Amref
       Health Africa in Nairobi Kenya to
       receive training as part of research
       collaborations. Another researcher
       was nominated to participate in
       the Association of Commonwealth
       Universities (ACU)  dialogue  on                           MRC and City of Windhoek team
       Higher  Education  (HE): Global

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