Page 5 - MRC Newsletter Ed-1 (2021)
P. 5

MRC join the

                                                                       UNAM community
              We are equally shifting

              our gear and we                                            in welcoming the

              commit to focus on                                                   new PVC:RID

              expanding our global

              engagement and                                        The  Multidisciplinary Research  Centre

              further position UNAM                                 (MRC), one  of the Research  Centers
                                                                    at UNAM  welcomed Prof  Anicia Peters
              on the global map.                                    as Pro-Vice  Chancellor  for  Research,
                                                                    RID) for  the  University of  UNAM.  She  is a
                                                                    Computer  Scientist who  specializes in an
              possible to bring calm among communities
              and how to be resilient when faced with               interdisciplinary  field  of  Human-Computer
              such natural disasters.                               Interactions (HCI).
                                                                    The  MRC,  being  the  Centre  responsible
              UNAM is undergoing a major restructuring              to  promote  and  conduct  research  of
              process  to  ensure  effective  and  efficient        national importance,  pledges its support
              service, and MRC is  not spared from this             to Prof Peters, noting  her expertise and
              exercise. We are equally shifting our gear            enthusiasm  to  address  both  scientific
              and we commit to focus on expanding our               and social challenges in the 4th industrial
              global engagement  and further  position              world.  MRC further  recognises  the  wealth
              UNAM on the global map. As we launch this             of research  experience  and knowledge
              edition, I take an opportunity to invite all our      Prof Peters brings on board the potential to
              partners, collaborators and stakeholders              raise the research and innovation profile of
              within and beyond Namibia to join us as we            our university.  Under her leadership, we are
              host the 4th multi/interdisciplinary research         hopeful that she will instill hope for success
              conference  virtually under  the  theme               and  empower  researchers  to  accomplish
              “Enduring  Covid-19 pandemic:  Towards                their goals.
              building an innovative and resilient Africa
              we want” on 6-7 May 2021.

              A huge  thank  you to  all the  persons who
              contributed  to this newsletter through
              writing  some  wonderful  and  inspiring
              articles, without which there wouldn’t have
              been this newsletter issue.

              Last but not least, I would like to thank our
              research  collaborators,  partners  and  the
              entire  UNAM  staff and management  as
              well as board members for their everlasting
              support  throughout  the  establishment of
              the “Research Matter” newsletter.
                                                                                    Prof Anicia Peters
              Happy reading!                                      Pro-Vice Chancellor for Research, Innovation and Development

                                                             MULTIDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH CENTRE  RESEARCH MATTERS VOL 8. 2021  05
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