Page 17 - MRC Newsletter Ed-1 (2021)
P. 17

Other  community  engagements
       of  note  from  ZERI included the
       encroacher  bush value chains
       initiative in  Otjozondjupa  Region.
       The   Division  further  provided
       mushroom  training to  farmers  in
       Windhoek as part of transformative
       community      engagement.      Dr
       Kadhila indicated that most of these
       workshops  and trainings  enabled              Farmer mushroom training at UNAM main campus in Windhoek
       ZERI to generate monetary income.

       ZERI researchers were also hard at  Namibia.                             success among ZERI researchers.
       work by participating and at times
       organising research and training  One  of  the  researchers  who   “The merging of ZERI Unit with MRC
       activities  in  Southern   African   participated in these engagements,  was a good move as it encourages
       counties  which  resulted  in  some  Mrs Shivute, asserts that it was the  teamwork,  and it is  good working
       visible  outcomes  and success  right decision to merge ZERI under  with a group  of researchers  from
       stories in countries such as Angola,  MRC as this provided a conducive  different    disciplines.”  Shivute
       Lesotho, Eswatini, South Africa and  working environment for increased  stated.

                   From left, training in Angola, harvested mushrooms in Lesotho and mushrooms ready for harvest in Eswatini

       ZERI hosts students from the faculties  According  to  Dr  Kadhila, the  The internship for the Microbiology
       under     internship  supervisions.  internship  activities  at  ZERI  finally  undergraduate  students from  the
       According  to Dr Kadhila, “the  paid off as graduates established        Department of Biological Sciences,
       Division has been  involved in  their  own  mushroom  businesses in      Faculty of Science, UNAM has been
       teaching    and    supervision  of   their  respective communities, thus   in place. Some students are now
       postgraduate and undergraduate  contributing  to UNAM’s agenda
       students”. The images below attest  of engaging in transformative        managing mushroom  production
       to ZERI’s inclusivity  of students in  community   engagements.     Dr   companies like Ndaka Mushrooms
 Above and below, RUFORUM project team meeting the   most of their internship activities at  Kadhila  proudly  states,  “ZERI  and Processing in Oshikoto Region
 community members at Okondjatu and the community
 members identifying bushes to be used as mushroom substrates   the division.  successfully  promoted  internships.  and Bio Hub in Windhoek suburbs.”

                                                                                                 From left, Ndaka
                                                                                                mushroom products
                                                                                                and fruiting bags at
                                                                                               the Bio Hub mushroom

                   From left, students’ internship and farmers’ harvest

                                                             MULTIDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH CENTRE  RESEARCH MATTERS VOL 8. 2021  017
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