Page 21 - MRC Newsletter Ed-1 (2021)
P. 21

Despite some setbacks, the Wind Power                                     Mr. Pineas Tomas
       Generation    Project   of   the   Benguela
       community  in  Lüderitz  in  collaboration  with                           “The last half decade has seen great
       the Lüderitz municipality  has been realised                              achievements to the much anticipated
                                                                                 exposure in the energy sector. The dream
       and both the researchers and the Benguela                                 towards the realisation of green energy in
       community can now look forward to a brighter                              Namibia is now in a clear picture, for the first
       future  with as is well captured  in the  direct                          time in Namibian history a community project
       words of one of the participating researchers,                            successfully installed and run their own wind
       Mr. Pineas Tomas                                                          farm in Lüderitz, thanks to UNAM expertise.”

                                           Researchers’ representations on  supervise postgraduate  students.
                                           several national and regional high  Prof. Cheikhyoussef was pleased to
                                           level committees were exceptional.  remark  on  researchers  who  have
                                           These  include the  SADC Malaria     shown sterling efforts in terms of
                                           Elimination   8   (E8)   Technical   the  capacity building of students
                                           working  group on Diagnosis and      through  academic supervision,
                                           Case management,  and the            “Notably,   Prof.  Mumbengegwi
                                           research    sub-committees;    the   mentored an exceptional number
       Prof Mumbengegwi                    MoHSS national Malaria elimination   of  postgraduate  students  during
                                           and      surveillance,   epidemic
       It has been a privilege to contribute over   preparedness committee and the   the  past  five  (5)  year  reaching
       the past 5 years to UNAM’s capacity                                      over twenty-five (25).”  Researchers
       building with graduated students joining   High Level Research Coordination   excelled not just in terms of building
       national and international institutions in   Task Force  on  COVID 19 (HILREC).
       research capacities and towards the   Furthermore,  researchers    also  capacity of post graduate students
       establishment of research facilities such as   collaborated  with colleagues  in   but  included ensured  that  they
       the Biomedical Research Laboratory and   other faculties such as the Faculty   establish or  strengthen  research
       the Insectary in Katima Mulilo      of  Science,  Faculty  of  Agriculture  facilities  for  quality  research
                                           and Natural Resources  and the  outputs. As Prof  Mumbengegwi
                                           Faculty of  Health Sciences to  explains:

       The  division also recorded  a high  academic      achievements      of
       number  of  publications in highly  publishing widely, their applications
       rated journals including the Lancet   for  academic    promotion   are
       journal,  one  of  the  oldest  and   successfully  lodged for  possible
       most  prestigious medical journals   promotion.  The division  has over
       (Impact Factor  60), thus  putting   the  last  five  years  recorded  a
       MRC and UNAM at large in very
       good standing as an academic         satisfactory number of promotions,    Dr. Embashu
       institution as Prof.  Cheikhyoussef   with  two    senior  researchers
       highlighted:                         promoted to the level of Associate    The past half-decade has seen mileposts
                                            Research  Professor  and  other  two   of noteworthy. Personal and professional
                                                                                  success stories through development of
       It  is every  researcher’s  hope  and  researchers promoted to the level   value added products from mahangu,
       expectation  that  after  all their  of senior researcher.                 sorghum and pulses.”

                                                             MULTIDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH CENTRE  RESEARCH MATTERS VOL 8. 2021  021
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