Page 25 - MRC Newsletter Ed-1 (2021)
P. 25
by involving the communities. of the successful collaborative Clemson University (USA), Montana
For example, a project looking at research engagements with the University (USA) and Monash South
the feasibility and effectiveness Land Research Programme and the Africa. Other collaborations of the
of restoration as an ecosystem- Ministry of Land Reform, "it resulted LSD included those with the CRC -
based adaptation approach in in two reports produced namely Future Rural Africa.
rural areas of Kunene and Hardap the 'Job creation in resettlement
regions has been among the key farms' and 'Leasehold Agreements.' The LSD also engaged
engagements by LSD researchers. Researchers presented these in transformative community
Dr Inman explains the relevance reports at the Land Conference, engagements. Community
of ecological restoration as and they were able to contribute services from some researchers
follows: "Restoration ecology has to two book chapters published involved amongst others, serving
become relevant in the era of by the Legal Assistance Centre on the National Climate Change
climate change, and this may be on land presentations." Apart from Committee (NCCC) at the Ministry
an important adaptation tool to the collaborative outputs, the of Environment and Tourism.
the most vulnerable communities LSD researchers further produced The committee advises the
in rural areas." Dr Lendelvo also about 8 peer-reviewed papers that government on all national climate
summarised the key projects in were published in peer-reviewed change adaptation and mitigation
her division as follows: "The last journals, as stated by Dr Lendelvo. projects in Namibia. Researchers
five years saw LSD researchers She further indicated that other such as Ms Siyambango has also
engaging in some of the following achievements in the LSD included been part of the Southern African
key projects: Climate Change and awards to some researchers, Regional Universities Association
Gender Vulnerability Assessment including herself, who won a (SARUA), which established a
Studies; Assessing the Evidence: Commonwealth scholarship in five-year programme for Climate
Migration, Environment and 2019 to participate in a Leadership Change Capacity Development,
Climate Change in Namibia; Training workshop at Cardiff which is endorsed by a majority of
Community Risk Assessment in University, which sought to enhance Vice-Chancellors within SARUA's 60
Informal Settlements in the Khomas leadership skills through mentorship public university members and is
Region; Conservation Agriculture and career-building. gaining support from ministries of
for Climate Change Adaptation education and the environment.
in Namibia; Flood Impacts in the Another Researcher, Dr Emilia Ms Siyambango explained that
Oshana Region: Case of the Inman, is a Russell E. Train Scholar the programme aims to build
Cuvelai River Basin; and The Effects of 2016 and a member of the IUCN capacity for climate-compatible
of Climatic Variability on Mopane Commission on the Environmental, development, emerging as a
Worm Distribution and Livelihood Economic, and Social Policy platform for significant collaboration
Options in North-Central Namibia." (CEESP) since May 2020. Dr Inman across the academic sector.
is collaborating with researchers
Dr Lendelvo further revealed that from South Africa and Australia
among the key projects funded to explore restoration ecology
from external sources included a as a nature-based approach to the LSD, researchers
five-year programme on Climate environmental problems.
Change Capacity Development have been hard at work
supported with funding from the The LSD researchers are pleased identifying key research
UK and Dutch-funded Climate and that they did not operate in isolation
Development Knowledge Network from other researchers globally as themes of national
(CDKN). Further funding included they formed part of a significant
a scholarship award for a master's community network of researchers. interest in consultation
student under Dr Earl's supervision. Key amongst the number of these with stakeholders, and
The research focused on assessing academic community networks
selected borehole water quality was the Insaka Consortium, which they have developed
and efficiency of homemade is a community of practice for
water filter purification devices in academic institutions, namely, the several projects and
Mariental rural Hardap region. Dr Copperbelt University (Zambia), the
Lendelvo reported that as a result University of KwaZulu Natal (RSA), funding proposals.