Page 18 - MILK - TRANSLATION - MICHAEL - word dokument-converted
P. 18

He continues out through Hellerup until the city is left behind him the

                   ocean appears on his right side. If only it was a bunch of idiots they were up
                   against, but it's not. It’s the opposite. The attack yesterday where the mighty

                   Kronborg Castle was the scene of a historically violent event, which in addition to

                   the 6 lives it took, could easily have gotten even more out of hand. He rips of a
                   piece of his bandage care that’s shielding his left ear. Luckily his hearing is intact,

                   it was gone after the first explosion, but had luckily returned gradually.

                          He pushes down on the accelerator a little harder and the car obeys,

                   making him move faster the thick layer of snow, as the two-lane Strandvejen
                   becomes a four, and Hellerup disappears behind him. Further out in the direction

                   of Charlottenlund, through the fishing town of Skovshoved with the old half-

                   timbered houses. One thing is clear though; before the weekend is over he must
                   find out Gustav Kräsen's Danish connection, and he is close. He can sense it.

                          An hour ago, a confusing conversation he had with Olina, has shaken him.
                          “Tom. Find my brother, Janokovic.”

                          "Who is Janokovic, how?"
                          "My half-brother, he's mixed up in this, trust me"

                          “Your half-brother, I-I did not know you had a half-brother.

                          “Tom, check my lap top, the one on the table, and search for a document
                   by the name of David Tomicka. In that, you will find everything you need. But

                   hurry up, Tom. Find Jano!"

                          Exhausted from pain he had to hold her head in his hands as she nearly
                   dozed off.

                          "It really hurts."

                          Those were the last words she had uttered before a nurse sitting in an
                   adjoining room came in and politely asked him to come again tomorrow

                   morning. Olina was back in a coma again, even though she has been struggling to

                   stay awake, the large amounts of painkillers were still too much for her.
                          What did he not know and why had he not been given an explanation of

                   this matter much earlier? The feeling of loneliness hits him again, this time like a
                   punch in the face - one of those ones where the offender wears rings.
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