Page 111 - Lindsey Philpott "The Ultimate Book of Decorative Knots"
P. 111


                       seven-strand sinnets                               of these produce a slightly thicker edge than others,
                       Seven-Strand Flat Sinnets start to open the        so they may be a good choice where the underlying
                       possibilities for a greater variety of patterns. With   surface is not quite even. The first method makes an
                       this greater variety there is a difficulty – which of   interesting open weave where the pattern can show
                       them to choose! Here we have offered four varieties   off the underlying fabric, or you could use the open
                       so that you can see some of the possibilities. Some   spaces to add another cord or two.

                       Method 1

                    1       Start with four strands left and three right.  3      – right outer strand under two and over one to

                                                                                 the left. Repeat Stages 2 and 3 as long as needed.

                                                                          A nice tight sinnet along
                                                                          the edges and open in the
                                                                          centre, as you like it.

                             Move left outer strand under two and over 1 to
                      2 the right…
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