Page 132 - Lindsey Philpott "The Ultimate Book of Decorative Knots"
P. 132
Oval see from the photographs below. This tendency
I’ve included three methods for constructing oval is a result of having more tucks to one side, which
sinnets below. The first two methods use eight causes the structure to be unbalanced. Nevertheless,
strands, and the difference between them is very the finished sinnet still feels good to the hands and
subtle. Oval sinnets feel very good on the hands is pleasing to the eyes. Try using different colours
and are perhaps a little softer or easier on the skin to emphasise or de-emphasise the shape. For use on
than the round or square sinnets. They do have a fabrics and clothing you should definitely consider
tendency to twist during manufacture, as you will using a thinner cord of, say, 0.7mm or thinner.
Method 1
Set up the eight
strands with
1 four on either
4 Repeating Stage 2, bring the outer left behind,
between the outer two, over one to the left and
under two to the left.
5 Repeating Stage 3, bring
the outer right behind
all, between the left pairs
then over one, under one
to the right. Repeat for
length required.
Take the outer left behind the rest to the right
and bring it between #7 and #8 crossing back to Bottom: The front of the piece shows
2 the left over #7 and under #5 and #6. a long diagonal on the left and a
shorter one to the right.
Top: The side of the piece
shows the slimmer
3 Take the outer right profile and the even,
short chevron
and bring it behind
the rest, emerging
between the left
pairs, over one and
under one to the