Page 128 - Lindsey Philpott "The Ultimate Book of Decorative Knots"
P. 128


                      With round sinnets it is always possible to     then oval-shaped, pentagonal, and star-shaped
                   generate a different over-and-under pattern that is   sinnets (which are one of the most complex, and
                   pleasing to look at or to hold. I strongly suggest that,   should only be attempted by a patient person).
                   when trying a new method, you write down how you
                   achieved the result, before it slips your mind!
                                                                      triangular sinnets
                   OtHeR SHaPeS                                       Triangular cross-section sinnets are solid sinnets,

                   There is a host of other shapes that can be formed   and so are not difficult to create, but they do need
                   with sinnet. Triangular, half-round, and star-shaped   to be organised using a table or bench vice if you
                   sinnets can be applied to many different surfaces or   are making them for the first time. If you try to start
                   can be used on their own to form very interesting   them in your hand you will find that you have more
                   diversions. If you are intending to cover a picture   strands in your hand than is comfortable. I have
                   frame with sinnet, it may be best to use a flat sinnet,   successfully used a table-edge vice to hold a bunch
                   though other shapes can also be used on picture    of cords, which, with a marked disk under them,
                   frames, particularly those with complex cross-     makes it easier to create these splendid sinnets. Here
                   sections, if you place them carefully. In this section   is a simple triangular sinnet, tied in the hand, just to
                   we will cover first a triangular cross-section sinnet,   get you started:

                 1         Shown in progress here: Double each of six   3      – here moving anti-clockwise with the next

                           strands to make three pairs, knotted or seized
                           together (use different coloured cord to hold
                           the strands together)…

                  2         – then crown each pair in turn, remembering   4    Finally, tuck the last pair under the first where

                            that to ‘crown’ we make the cords go ‘down’
                                                                               you had held your thumb.
                            or away from us, into the page…
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