Page 123 - Lindsey Philpott "The Ultimate Book of Decorative Knots"
P. 123
Four-strand round sinnet
The simplest Four-Strand Round Sinnet is the Four-
Strand Plait, seen in Chapter 4. It produces a round
sinnet when tied tightly and has alternating colours
in a spiral or in straight lines along its length,
depending on the start used. Some will also tell you
that it is a square sinnet – because we only have four
strands, it is hard to say who is correct, but I am
sticking with round. Here is an alternate weave that
produces a different colour pattern.
– upper left under two to the right, then over one
2 to the left.
Start two strands left, two right, one of each
1 colour…
Upper right under two to the left and over one to
the right. Repeat for length as needed, keeping the
3 cords tight as you go.
It ends up looking like this when you
start with mixed pairs, left and right…
– and like this when you start with
matching pairs of colours, left and