Page 154 - Lindsey Philpott "The Ultimate Book of Decorative Knots"
P. 154
148 tHe ULtiMAte Book oF DecorAtive knots
halF hitches and marling
Half Hitches are made by tucking the standing part
of a cord under itself, whereas a marling hitch is
made by tying an overhand knot around the object
being hitched. Here they both are applied to the
same surface for side-by-side comparison:
2 Continue the wrapping, but incorporate the pen
as if it were part of the object (not too tightly!).
The centre and left-side versions, marling hitches
both, lie very flat to the base, whereas the Half
Hitching, on the right, stands a little proud of the
Finishing halF hitches
without a covering knot
Half hitches, or any other covering knot, may be
finished by tucking the ends under the finished 3 when you have com-
pleted the length you
work. If the work is plain, the finishing end may need, withdraw the pen
be more visible, but if there is a pattern or a raised and insert the end of the
surface, then the end may successfully be secured cord where the pen used
under the turns to make for a secret ending. Here is to be.
one way of doing this:
1 insert a pen or other 4 go back to the point
thin object along the
where you inserted the
length of the object you
are covering when you pen and tighten up each
near the end. turn, one by one…