Page 235 - Lindsey Philpott "The Ultimate Book of Decorative Knots"
P. 235
turk’s head knots 229
4 Pass between parallel parts (‘ladder’) over, 6 – back to the start and double it.
under, over, under, over, under…
5 – then over and under three times… The Seven-Lead, Eight-Bight Turk’s
Head, doubled.
the 8L7B th knot
The last knot in the Square TH Knot series in this
book represents what is probably the physical limit
for making Square Turk’s Head Knots ‘in the hand’
without having some sort of paper pattern or pin-
mold to work with if making this for the first time.
There are many people in the world who use both
pin and paper/grid methods and you can make a
paper pattern of your own or with a knot-making
tool. If not, there are other resources to use. Patterns
and moulds will be discussed later, but for now,
let’s go through the sequence for this latest Square 1
Turk’s Head. start with 6l5B from a 4l3B.