Page 262 - Lindsey Philpott "The Ultimate Book of Decorative Knots"
P. 262
256 the ultimate book of decorative knots
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
to the left edge to find the continuation. To tie the bending turns that may surprise you. Let’s start
knot from the grid, simply attach your line at any with the 3L4B TH Knot, beginning as a cylinder,
point on the grid and follow along a line – if the and then make it into a flat knot, with a neat trick to
line is thick you are going to go over at the crossing, help you through the change of going from cylinder
whether there is another line there at that time or to flat! Take special note that the number of bights
not. If the line is thin, you are going under at the inside and outside the knot should be the same. This
crossing. is a useful thing to check if you want to see whether
Remember the notation we used to show a or not your knots are coming together as they
sequence when tying from left to right? Here we should.
are moving from top to bottom and back to the top,
reversing as we go, so the sequence will be, using T 3L4B th fLat knot
for top and B for bottom:
1T, 4B, 8T, 11B, O1 2T, O1 5B, O1 9T, O1 We start with the cylindrical shape.
12B, U1O1 3T, U1O1 6B, U1O1 10T, U1O1 13B,
O1U1O1 4T, O1U1O1 7B, O1U1O1 11TO1U1O1
1B, U1O1U1O1 5T, U1O1U1O1 8B, U1O1U1O1
12T, U1O1U1O1 2B, O1U1O1U1O1 6T,
O1U1O1U1O1 9B, O1U1O1U1O1 13T, look at the beginning
O1U1O1U1O1 3B, U1O1U1O1U1O1 7T, 1 of this chapter for
U1O1U1O1U1O1 10B, U1O1U1O1U1O1. Finish instructions on how to
at 1T. Repeat as necessary. make this base knot.
NOTE: If you are adept at using a spreadsheet
program, you can make a grid of your own.
As I noted earlier, this method of counting pegs
(or pins or pieces of tape or loops of string) works
very well using a Universal TH Knot Grid, and does
not require too much thought. Do try it – you never
know, it may turn out to be just what you needed!
Flat turK’s Head Knots 2 turn the knot
Well, so far, so good! Each of the preceding knots on its end, with
the bights facing
is shown here as a cylindrical knot. So how do we you, to make a
make a flat knot? The process involves some mind- cylinder.