Page 260 - Lindsey Philpott "The Ultimate Book of Decorative Knots"
P. 260

254 the  ultimate  book  of  decorative  knots

                   Looking back over the directions for each of the last   Unifying Theory of how to tie every single type
                   two knots you can see that there are two sequences.  of TH Knot! The methods already explained for
                      First Sequence: Over one, then over two, then   tying Square TH Knots are an indication that this
                   under one, over two, then over, under, over, under.  is a challenge that should be met by most. When
                      Second Sequence: Over one, then over two, and   considering the Wide TH Knots, you need to bear
                   then over two and under one, then over, under, over,   in mind the number of leads or parts of which the
                   under.                                             TH Knot you want is made – this generally can
                      A shorter way of writing this is to write down   not be expanded without having a different start
                   the station numbers in bold, and the pass between   configuration of making an extra turn or passing
                   as O for over and U for under when moving past     the original lead to the right instead of the left.
                   another cord or strand that has been passed        For Narrow TH Knots, the methods of making a
                   previously. Here are the first two knots in such a   greater number of bights, while keeping the number
                   shorthand form:                                    of leads or parts the same, shows that there are yet
                      1L, 3R, 6L, 1R-O1-4L, 4L-O1-6R, 6R-O2-2L,       more complexities, none of which are unique to all
                   2L-O2-4R, 4R-O2-7L, 7L-O2-2R, 2R-U1-O2-5L,         expansions or to all TH Knots, except, of course, the
                   5L-U1-O2-7R, 7R-U1-O1-U1-O1-3L, 3L-U1-O1-          Golden Rule!
                   U1-O1-5R, 5R-U1-O1-U1-O1-1L. Start again to           Good news! There may not be a Grand Unifying
                   double.                                            Theory of tying all TH Knots, but there is a way
                      1L, 3R, 6L, 8R, 8R-O1-3L, 3L-O1-5R,             you can tie any size of single-cord simple TH Knot;
                   5R-O1-8L, 8L-O1-2R, 2R-O2-5L, 5L-O2-7R,            recall if you will that we spoke at the beginning of a
                   7R-O2-U1-2L, 2L-O2-U1-4R, 4R-O2-U1-7L,             method of forming any TH Knot? We will use a grid
                   7L-O2-U1-1R, 1R-O1-U1-O1-U1-4L, 4L-O1-U1-          of diagonal lines, marked off to denote the number
                   O1-U1-6R, 6R-O1-U1-O1-U1-1L.                       of leads and bights.
                      This formulaic approach works if you’re using      For example, assume that you want to tie a TH
                   pins or tapes or loops to hold the bights in place   Knot with thirteen bights and seven leads. We
                   as you progress. But what about making these       know that this TH Knot is possible because neither
                   knots using easy-to-remember methods instead       number is divisible by a common denominator
                   of complicated formulas? Sadly, there is no Grand   (other than one). You can set up a universal grid
                                                                      showing how to tie this (and any other) single-
                                                                                  strand TH Knot. In it, ‘overs’ are shown
                                                                                    as thicker lines and ‘unders’ as
                                                                                    thinner lines (on a sepia background
                                                                                     for easier viewing).

                                                                                      The 7B5L TH Knot (lower left)
                                                                                      with the 8B5L TH Knot (lower
                                                                                      right), the 12B5L (upper left) and
                                                                                      finally the 13B5L (upper right),
                                                                                      not one of which is commonly
                                                                                      shown in decorative knot books,
                                                                                      but which look very handsome in
                                                                                      my opinion.
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