Page 283 - Lindsey Philpott "The Ultimate Book of Decorative Knots"
P. 283
knob knots 277
MoDiFieD #2206
This knot has been modified to include all fourteen
facets, but with an added anti-clockwise turn
thrown in to Ashley’s #2206 to produce this third
1 Starting at the six o’clock position, move north The finished amended #2206, with a second colour
and turn clockwise underhand, then reverse to an
added between the outer two passes of the base
anti-clockwise turn under the starting end, then
over, over the clockwise loop. cord for a touch of pizzazz!
The second version by Don Burrhus
incorporates a modified 3B5L TH Knot. Look
carefully at the diagram to see the added bight inside
the leads at the six o’clock position. Yet a third way
is to put an additional partial clockwise turn to
Ashley’s #2206, so as to finish alongside the start,
and to create the added two faces, making fourteen
in all. The added bonus with the third version is that
the end cord meets the start cord, allowing you to
make all passes separately instead of having to work
2 Continue anti-clockwise over, over, then under, actual knots in cord, when tied either as a four-pass
out the number of passes in each direction first. The
over, under to the right side, ready for the last
or six-pass knot, are not immediately that different
two turns.
from each other, as you can see here:
3 Now pass the cord clockwise under, over, under Ashley’s #2206,
to the inside of the NW loop and pass finally
finished with six
over, under anti-clockwise to rejoin the starting
cord. Mould the loops into a sphere and be sure passes and twelve
to include a solid sphere inside for support. facets.