Page 279 - Lindsey Philpott "The Ultimate Book of Decorative Knots"
P. 279

knob  knots    273

                      block, monkey forecastle), and the term ‘Monkey’s   as the one shown in the photographs, which was
                      Fist’ was adopted as being somewhat easier to       made from simple dry-cleaning hanger wire. Forms
                      remember. The knot’s principal function is as       can also help if you are making just one Monkey
                      weight at the end of a light line to help with heaving   Fist, although your fingers will work well for most
                      (tossing to another ship, dock, or other mooring).   small projects. Ultra-small projects may need a
                      The weight of the line combined with the core of the   smaller and thinner wire frame, shaped similarly to
                      Monkey Fist will carry for a considerable distance,   the one shown here.
                      depending on the type of line and the mass of the
                      core. That is not to say that a heavy core is always a
                      good idea – if you try heaving a line from ship-to-
                      shore, for instance, it is better to use a Monkey Fist
                      with a light, floating core so that it will float if your
                      toss is off and lands in the water. A heavy-cored
                      Monkey Fist will sink and could snag on a rocky
                      sea-bed. In an arborist’s work, a heavy core is an
                      advantage for getting the ball and line through heavy
                      twigs and leaf cover in a tree of perhaps fifty or more
                      feet in height. A Monkey Fist may also be useful in
                      rock-climbing to get a top rope over a projection
                      above to use when assisting another climber.           The second method of making the Monkey Fist
                          There are seldom any Scouts with whom I have    used here is the British Admiralty method, useful
                      met, be they Boy, Girl, Cub or Sea, who have not at   for making the ends of the single cord come out
                      least heard of the Monkey Fist, and many of them    of the knot at the same place. The normal method
                      have learned how to tie more than one. I made       shown in many other books of knotting is to have
                      matching-sized Monkey Fist earrings, one red and    the two ends exit the knob knot at each side of the
                      one green (for Port and Starboard), in light cotton   turns, instead of together like the second one. Take
                      thread for my wife, many years ago. She wears       a look at Hervey Garrett Smith’s illustration of the
                      them to this day! You may find it helpful, if you are   Monkey Fist in his book The Marlinespike Sailor. His
                      going to make many Monkey Fist knots, to devise a   description is very well done and very well worth
                      formwork skeleton on which you make them, such      getting your own copy!

                     1        Wrap enough turns so that there are the same   2    Turn the cord only (not the frame) to wrap
                                                                                  the same number of turns at 90 degrees to the
                                                                                  first set of turns. Note that the first wrap from
                              number on each face and enough turns to cover
                                                                                  the bottom appears loose, so hold it with your
                              at least three-quarters of the sphere.
                                                                                  thumb and build upward on it.
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