Page 384 - Lindsey Philpott "The Ultimate Book of Decorative Knots"
P. 384
378 the ultimate book of decorative knots
The second list is of projects for which I provide you. For this reason, I recommend that you stand at
more detailed instruction. These are: one end of the chair-rail and then your hands will
constantly follow the same direction, from left to
Beach chair finishing right or from right to left, depending on which way
Camera lanyard you build the spiral. For a different look, use two
Cuff links pieces to make Moku Whipping or use three pieces
Dog chew toy for St Mary’s Hitching, or just use two colours of
Mother’s Day gift cord when making the French Whipping. You might
Pet comb hanger also like to try your hand at some coachwhipping
Recycled hangers if you are feeling adventurous, or perhaps some
Tree decoration cockscombing. Tuck the beginning and finishing
Yacht wheel marker ends under or cover them over with a Turk’s Head
Knot from Chapter 9, or even just some coloured
Here are the specifics on each suggested project. electrical tape, neatly done, if you are in a hurry!
Beach/Lawn Chair Finishing Camera Lanyard
The top rail of a beach or lawn chair receives a lot Whether you have a lightweight quick-shot camera
of handling. It also sits in the sunshine longest, or a heavy single-lens reflex digital camera with
sometimes getting very hot! So, too, do the side giant lenses, it is usually easier to carry when
rails, and these can sear your skin! Here is an idea suspended on a lanyard or a strap. Here is a handy
for a covering that may help alleviate the problems lanyard that you may enjoy making and using, as
of heating and chafing. The beach chair used here well as showing off to your friends.
has a rail of 12 mm diameter and a length of 56 cm.
Line: Coloured paracord, venetian blind
Line: Cotton cord, coloured or white cord, or white polyester cord
Size: #30 or approximately 2 mm, Size: 13 mm or finer, length depending
length approximately 1.5 m on chosen style
Time: 1 hour Time: 1 hour up to 2 or 3 days
Method: Begin by testing the size of your rail and Method: For a handy digital pocket camera, this
line, making a small test section first – see Chapter should take you about an hour to make. For the
2 for hints here. After finding out how much line larger one you may want to spend more time,
you need, allow for some working slack and then try depending on how fancy you want it to be. I have
making up your line into a knittle, either bound with given directions here for the smaller one, with hints
an elastic band or by using my suggested method of on what you could do for the larger one. The cord
a Double Half Hitch (a Clove Hitch). Start at one you select should be long enough to pass your hand
end by tying a series of French Hitching (Chapter 6) through a doubled-cord loop, with about 15 cm
over the rail, passing the whole knittle under each more length than you need to fit over your hand.
successive pass. Tighten each Half Hitch by tugging This is your ‘core’ cord. You will also need a second,
the cord in the direction of wrapping and then covering cord, its length depending on your hand
pulling it back against itself before again tugging size. Take your ‘core’ cord and find the middle. Make
in the direction of wrapping. Ensure that each a loop about 8 cm long of the doubled cord. Be sure
succeeding Half Hitch is well set against its previous that the cord will go through the hanging buckle or
Half Hitch. When making the hitches below the metal strap on your camera! The centre cord, used
chair it is easy to lose your sense of direction if you for suspending the camera, is now mounted through
stand with the rail oriented right to left in front of the camera’s suspension bar and the tail ends of