Page 385 - Lindsey Philpott "The Ultimate Book of Decorative Knots"
P. 385
projects 379
reduction. The ends of the dropped cords may be
heat-sealed in place, glued, or perhaps even made
into a series of tassels. If you make the ‘core’ cords
doubled instead of being a single bight as for the
small camera, they can then form four parts of the
cords for your sinnet-work. Use the two bights thus
formed to attach to your camera’s suspension bar
with a Ring Hitch. When you get to the end of the
desired length of your strap, insert the centre four
cords through the camera suspension bar and tie a
pencil-thickness diameter wooden toggle or button
to those four cords’ ends and insert the toggle
through the middle of the four cords. Now tie a
the cord are then pulled through its bight to make a small 4L3B TH Knot, using 0.5-mm venetian blind
Ring Hitch. Beginning a short distance (5 cm or so) cord, around your four ‘core’ cords to slide down
from the Ring Hitch, form the wrist loop with the to meet the toggle, preventing it from slipping out.
tails of your centre cord. Bend the tail ends of your To remove the strap for cleaning, slide the TH Knot
wrist cord pair around to meet themselves, thus back up the four ‘core’ cords, remove the toggle, and
forming a complete circle the size you need to fit undo the Ring Hitch on the other end.
over your hand. Tie an Overhand Knot around the
centre pair with the tail ends and then allow the Cuff Links
remaining tail ends to lie along the centre line cords, Men’s shirts have had cuff links of gold, silver, silk,
forming a ‘core’ of four cords. You may want to use and steel for many years. These cuff links use an
a piece of tape to hold the cords together temporarily old knot for a newer application, one that shows off
while you make the covering using the second cord. your knowledge of new cords and yet maintains a
Take your second cord, perhaps one of a traditional feel.
different colour, although shown here is a cord of
the same colour, and tie another Overhand Knot Line: 2-mm Excel Pro polyester cord (or
around the doubled centre cord above (closer to the use silk cord)
camera) the first Overhand Knot to ‘lock’ the tail- Size: If using 2 mm, approximately
end cords into place. Now proceed to use the second 1 m per side (2 m total), allowing
cord to tie a Solomon’s Bar series of Overhand for handling.
Knots around initially four cords and, after the tail- Time: 1–2 hours
ends are covered, the remaining two ‘core’ cords.
Tie the Solomon’s Bar all the way around the circle Method: A Manrope Knot or Footrope Knot makes
that forms the wrist loop. Cut and heat-seal the ends for an excellent holding knot in the end of a piece of
when you reach the beginning of the work, having line. Cut your piece of line in two, giving you two
progressed all the way around the wrist loop. The lengths each of about 1 m in length. You will not
doubled length of your second loop will need to be be using all of it to make the knot, but you will need
about four times the length of the doubled wrist the length for handling initially, until you become
loop, so be sure to allow enough cord! used to working with the line. Seal all four ends
If the camera strap you need should be more of the line and work with one piece at a time. Fold
substantial, try one of the flat sinnets, such as one piece into three parts, each about 30 cm long.
English or Russian Sinnet, to form the hanging Seize or tie all three of them together in the centre
strap. Reduce the width of the strap by dropping with tape or using a Constrictor Knot that you
out one cord from each side to form a tapered width can carefully cut away when finished. Try using a