Page 113 - 高年級 eSTAR 7 備課用書
P. 113

Unit 4 62
                                                  Unit 4
           Pattern 2   Does Hank have a fever?            教學說明
                       Yes, he does.
            2  27
                       No, he doesn't.                   1. 複習 пਗ൚ do / does ͜ج
          Write and Say                                    a. dojภৣ Ieyoueweethey אልᅰΤ൚f
                                                           b. doesjภৣୋɧɛ၈ఊᅰ heeshe אఊ

                  Hank                                        ᅰΤ൚f
                                                            注意 пਗ൚ܝٙਗ൚඲މࡡҖfΫഈࣛd
                  Lily                                           ߰˴൚މୋɧɛ၈ఊᅰdਗ൚ have
                                      Word Bank
                                      cold                       ඲ᜊʷމ hasf
                  David               fever
                                      headache           2. ౤፴ኪ͛dᔊഈ̩މщ֛ࣛࠅԴ͜ᐵᄳ
                  Bella               stomachache           don’t א doesn’tf
                                      runny nose
                                      sore throat        3. षसΤ၈ൖމఊᅰ̙ᅰΤ൚d඲̋ʔ֛ڿ൚
                                                            adԷνjI have a fever.f
          1                    2
           Does Lily have a runny nose?  No, she doesn't.
          3                    4
           Does she have a sore throat?  Yes, she does.

                                         cold, headache
                                         sore throat
                                         cold,  f ever

           三   聽說練習 1    15 分鐘          CD2 26
           A. Listen and Number

           1. ሗኪ͛ᔕЇሙ͉ Pattern 1 ࠫࠦd˺୚޶ᔷᆵʕٙఊοၾྡ˪dԱනࣛ০ਮ̈ᔷᆵʕٙषसΤ၈f
           2. ઺ࢪႭ׼ᕚจձЪഈ˙όjԱኽ፽ࠪʫ࢙dਗ਼ఊοྡᇜ໮f
           3. ઺ࢪᅧ׳ CDdሗኪ͛Ъഈf

           4. Ύϣᅧ׳ CDdࣨ࿁ഈࣩf
              1. I have a headache.
              2. I have a fever.
              3. I have a stomachache.
              4. I have a runny nose.
              5. I have a cold.
              6. I have a sore throat.
              7. I have a toothache.

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