Page 115 - 高年級 eSTAR 7 備課用書
P. 115
Unit 4
3. ࢪ̙ൖኪ͛ኪ୦ًر̂Չ˼੬Ԉषसఊοj
1 diarrhea ໖ᓧ
2 cough ۗྔ
3 flu ݴБชڽ
4 stuffy nose ᄀ෦
5 allergy ཀઽ
1. ࢪਗ਼͉ఊʩఊὁ cold fever headache runny nose sore throat stomachache
toothache ൨ίලؐɪf
2. ሗӊЗኪ͛ίॷɪᄳɨɓࡈषसdԷνjI have a sore throat.f
3. ࠇࣛɓʱᙒdሗኪ͛˸̩ۨ༔ਪՉ˼ΝኪٙषसdԨҬ̈ՇЗձІʉसًୌٙΝኪ
S1 ᄳ I have a toothache.
S1: Do you have a toothache?
S2: No, I don’t. I have a fever.
S1: Do you have a toothache?
S3: Yes, I do.
S1 ձ S3 ՇɛɓৎБਗdᘱᚃరҬୋɧЗඟࡰf
S4 ᄳ I have a toothache.
S4: Do you have a toothache?
S1: Yes, I do.
S4: Does he have a toothache?˓ܸ S3
S1: Yes, he does.
S1eS3 ձ S4 ଡ଼ඟϓ̌f
4. ۃɧΤଡ଼ඟϓ̌ٙʃଡ଼̙ᐏᆤᎸf
六 回家作業
ሗኪ͛Ϋ˸ CDאኪ͜ཥɿࣣᛓᛘሙ͉ୋ 53-62 ࠫdᆞ͉ሙఊοe݂ԫ࿁༑ʿ̩ۨf