Page 114 - 高年級 eSTAR 7 備課用書
P. 114
B. Act and Guess
1. ኪ͛Շɛɓଡ଼dɓɛҲစषɛစ̈ԒʔቇसًdɓɛҲစᔼ͛˸ਪ̩ Do you have a
headache? પᓙ࿁˙षसf
2. ࠠልɪࠑӉdኪ͛ቃݴҲစʔΝԉЍආБਪഈf
1. A ɽᕚʕषसᇜ˾ڌ༈ఊοٙʱᅰf
2. ਗ਼Όफʱމᅰଡ଼dӊϣቃɓଡ଼dݼɓЗ˾ڌɪ̨פὁd̨͟ɨՉ˼ଡ଼йਪ Do you
have a stomachache?d˾ڌԱפՑٙὁΫഈ Yes, I do. א No, I don’t.d͍ᆽଚഈ
3. ൖኪࣛගආБᅰቃd௰ܝʱ௰৷ٙʃଡ଼ᐏ௷f
四 句型教學 2 20 分鐘 CD2 27
1. ࢪίලؐɪ൨ɪ̩ۨૢ Does he have a fever? Yes, he does. No, he doesn’t. d
л͜ఊοὁ cold fever headache runny nose sore throat stomachache
toothache ˾౬ᇖ୦dࢪ੭ਮ̩ɿdᜫኪ͛ᆞᇖ̩ۨf
2. ਗ਼ኪ͛ʱމՇɛɓଡ଼dɓɛҲစषઃd̤ɓɛҲစፋʾfሗɧЗኪ͛ɪ̨ʱйҲစʔΝਖ਼
߅ᔼ͛dԷνjdentist˫ᔼeENT doctorЀᄀఓ߅ᔼ͛epediatricianʃՅ߅ᔼ͛f
3. ӊଡ଼षઃɪ̨פɓੵఊὁdԱὁʫ࢙፯षᔼ͛dᔼ͛ਪൢdፋʾΫഈfᇍԷνɨj
Group 1 פՑ runny nose
S1 (ENT doctor): Does he have a sore throat?
S2 (patient’s friend): No, he doen’t.
S1 (ENT doctor): Does he have a runny nose?
S2 (patient’s friend): Yes, he does.
4. ਪഈഐҼٙʃଡ଼̙Ցפᆤ༟ࣸdᐏࢪၚːணࠇٙᆤۜf
五 聽說練習 2 20 分鐘
Write and Say
1. ሗኪ͛ᔕЇሙ͉ Pattern 2 ࠫࠦdԱҏਮ̈ Word Bank ʕٙఊοf
2. ਗ਼ኪ͛ʱމՇɛɓଡ଼dІҲစᔼ͛dɓɛ෬ᄳӲ܀षઃٙसًd̤ɓɛۆ෬ᄳɾ܀षઃ
S1: Does Hank have a cold?
S2: Yes, he does.
S2: Does Lily have a runny nose?
S1: No, she doesn’t. She has a toothache.