Page 50 - 高年級 eSTAR 7 備課用書
P. 50


        1. ઺ࢪၾΌफীሞ΢၇ʹஷ˙όٙ஺ܓҞ࿔dԨᄳίලؐɪdԷνj͟ҞЇ࿔Աҏމ
          by train > by metro > by car > by bus > by scooter > by bike > on footf
        2. ઺ࢪ๟௪ήᓃὁ  zoo    park    tea shop    library    bookstore    post office

           supermarket    hospital f
        3. ਗ਼Όफʱމᅰଡ଼dӊϣቃՇଡ଼d΢ݼɓЗ˾ڌɪ̨༷Ꮥf઺ࢪפɓੵήᓃὁdԨႭ̈

           T: We’re going to the zoo.       €઺ࢪפՑ  zoo 
           S1: We can get there by metro.  €S1 פՑ  by metro

           S2: We can get there on foot.    €S2 פՑ  on foot 
        4. ˢ༰Շଡ଼ʹஷ˙όٙ஺ܓd஺ܓ༰Ҟٙᐏ௷f

        三   單字及句型韻文    15 分鐘               CD1 34-35
        Listen and Chant

        1. ሗኪ͛ቡᛘࠫࠦʕɛي࿁༑dԨႭ̈˼ࡁהࠅۃֻٙήᓃʿʹஷ˙όdԷνjThe foreign
          visitors are going to the zoo. They can get to the zoo by bus.f
        2. ઺ࢪਗ਼̩ۨ  We can get there _______.  ᄳίලؐɪdਗ਼ఊοὁ  by bus ׳ί̩ۨ٤ࣸ
          ʕd੭ჯኪ͛ਮᛘ̩ɿ We can get there by bus.fԱ޴ΝӉ᜷ᇖ୦Չ˼ఊοf

        3. ઺ࢪᅧ׳ CD€אཥɿࣣdሗኪ͛༧ഹື۱ਮᛘᗲ˖dਮᛘΝࣛ༧ഹື۱͂שɿfᇖ୦

        4. ਗ਼Όफʱމᅰଡ଼dӊଡ଼ܸ֛Շࡈఊοdʱଡ଼ᇖ୦ᗲ˖dԷνjGroup A –  by scooter ,
           by trainf
        5. ӊଡ଼Աהࠋபٙఊοdৎͭڌစᗲ˖dԷνj

           Group A: By scooter, by scooter. We can get to the zoo by scooter.
                    By train, by train. We can get to the park by train.

        四   總結活動   10 分鐘

        1. ઺ࢪ৪ͪὁ੭ჯኪ͛ል୦ήᓃձʹஷ˙όఊοʿ̩ۨdԷνj৪ͪὁ  zoo    by metrod
           ኪ͛Ⴍ We can get to the zoo by metro.fԱ޴ΝӉ᜷ᇖ୦Չ˼ఊοf
        2. ઺ࢪਗ਼ήᓃձʹஷ˙όὁ€אྡ̔ՇՇɓଡ଼ʱ౳׳ໄί઺܃ʕdԷνj઺܃ܝ˙e

           ۃژeܝژאࣣᓞഃfὁଡ଼ΥᇍԷj zoo    by metro /  hospital    by train /  supermarket
           by car f

        3. ሗӊଡ଼΢ݼɓЗኪ͛Ց̨ۃd઺ࢪᎇจႭɓࡈࠅۃֻٙήᓃdԷνjI’m going to the zoo.d
           ̨ɪ΢ଡ଼˾ڌ඲ԐՑὁ׳ໄЗໄdԨɽᑊႭ̈ You can get there by metro.d
        4. ઺ࢪ̙ൖ઺ኪࣛගӔ֛ݺਗϣᅰf

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