Page 51 - 高年級 eSTAR 7 備課用書
P. 51
Unit 2
1. ࢪਗ਼ήᓃձʹஷ˙όὁՇՇɓଡ଼׳ίලؐɪdʹஷ˙όὁߠࠦಃɪdʔՑὁ
2. ਗ਼Όफʱމᅰଡ଼dቃݴΫഈࢪٙਪd߰Ϋഈၾה࿁Ꮠٙʹஷ˙όୌΥdۆ̙ʱd
ලؐɪὁމ zoo by busd by bus ὁߠࠦಃɪ
T: How can we get to the zoo?
G1: We can get there by metro.
T: No, we can’t.
G2: We can get there by bus.ଚ࿁dɓʱ
3. ൖኪࣛගආБᅰϣd௰ܝ୕ࠇʱdʱ௰৷ٙʃଡ଼ᐏ௷f
差異化教學活動建議:城市設計師 II
1. ਗ਼Όफኪ͛˸ମሯʱଡ଼(Heterogeneous Grouping) ٙ˙όʱމᅰଡ଼f
2. ࢪ௪ᅰੵͣॷd೯ഗӊଡ଼ɓੵf
3. ሗʃଡ଼ኪ͛ʝΥЪҁϓ̹۬ணࠇྡd̙ІБ೯౨௴จணࠇːͦʕଣซ̹ٙ۬dྡʕ
a. ήᓃjΤ၈ձྡͪf
b. ༸j༩Τձ༸ΤdԷνjPark RoadeApple Streetf
c. ʹஷྌjԓ१e໔ሸԓॡ࠾१e৾ԓఙഃf
d. ֛Зᓃj˸ºڌͪd˾ڌʃଡ଼ίήྡʕٙהίЗໄf
4. ଡ଼ҁϓܝdሗଡ଼ቃݴɪ̨ʱԮd̙͟ࢪձՉ˼ʃଡ଼ਪɓࡈࠅۃֻٙήᓃdʱԮٙ
T: I’m at the park. How can I get to the post office?
G1: You can get to the post office by bus. There is a bus stop near the park.
You can get to the bus stop on foot.
5. ࢪ̙ൖफॴኪً͛رdʱৣഗʔΝܓኪ͛ʔΝʈЪfܓʱৣܔᙄνɨj
ººº ਿᓾj̈אᄳ̈ήᓃאʹஷʈՈΤ၈f
ººº ʕචj̈אᄳ̈ήᓃeʹஷʈՈא༸Τ၈f
ººº ආචj˸ҁ̩ۨႭ̈Ց༺ݔɓήᓃٙʹஷ˙όf
五 回家作業
ሗኪ͛Ϋ˸ CDאኪ͜ཥɿࣣᛓᛘሙ͉ୋ 21-22 ࠫdᆞఊοʿ̩ۨf