Page 56 - 高年級 eSTAR 7 備課用書
P. 56
29 Unit 2
Pattern 1 How can I get to Taipei 101?
You can get there by bike.
第三節 & 第四節 Pattern 1 & 2
A Listen and Write 1 39
a on foot b by bus c by metro
教學目標 d by bike e by car f by scooter
g by train
1 4 5
ঐ˸ How can I get to Taipei 101? ༔ਪνО d f a
Ց༺ݔஈdԨ˸ You can get there by bike.
2 6
ഗʚቇٙʹஷ˙όܔᙄf b e
ঐ˸ Can we get to the zoo by metro? ༔ਪ
Taoyuan 3 7
˼ɛ݊щ̙͜ݔɓ၇ʹஷ˙όՑ༺ݔஈdԨ g c
˸ Yes, we can. א No, we can’t. We can get
there by bus. ਂቇٙΫഈf B Draw and Say
CDeCD player אཥɿࣣ
How can I get to You can get there
ఊὁ the zoo? by bus.
ήᓃὁ 29
一 暖身活動 5 分鐘 CD1 34-35
1. ࢪᅧ׳ CDאཥɿࣣdሗኪ͛ᔕЇሙ͉ New Words ٙ Listen and Chant ఊοᗲ˖d
2. פᓃኪ͛אʱଡ଼ආБᗲ˖ਮᛘdԨ̙ൖࣛගאኪ͛ኪ୦ცӋආБʃଡ଼ᘩݺਗdˢᒄࡳ
二 句型教學 1 20 分鐘 CD1 38
1. ࢪίලؐɪ൨ɪ̩ۨૢ How can I get to Taipei 101? You can get there by bike.
л͜ఊοὁ by metro by car by train on foot by bike by scooter by bus ආБ˾౬d
2. ਮҁܝਗ਼ఊοὁᎇจ൨׳ίලؐɪdԱϤӉҁϓהϞఊοٙி̩ᇖ୦f
3. ࢪ௪ఊοྡ̔dᎇจפɓੵྡ̔dሗɓЗኪ͛Աྡ̔ΫഈਪᕚdҬ̈ලؐɪ࿁Ꮠٙ
T: How can we get to Taipei 101? פՑ by metro ྡ̔ਪ
S1: We can get there by metro. Ҭ̈ by metro ὁ
S1: How can we get to Taipei 101? פՑ by car ྡ̔ਪ
S2: We can get there by car. Ҭ̈ by car ὁ